7 sermons
Do you have to be an Old Testament Jew in order to become an authentic New Testament Christian? We might not obviously be in danger of this thinking today, but Galatians still presents us with a challenge: will be satisfied with a saving gospel of grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone? Or will we want to modify the gospel to improve on it?
8 sermons
Christians are never going to 'fit in' in the world. We must accept that. Sometimes this will be easier, sometimes this will be harder. But when we're rejected, misunderstood, overlooked, insulted, challenged or made the butt of jokes, how do we respond? The answer Peter gives his readers is the same as for us, two-thousand years later: stand firm on the real grace of God to us in Jesus.
9 sermons
This term at Grace, we’ll be looking together at what the Bible says about the things Jesus has given to help us follow him faithfully, or what we might call ‘practices of Christian discipleship’.
This study series might be especially helpful if you’ve recently become a Christian, and are asking the question, ‘What now?’ Together, we’ll try to answer from the Bible the questions
7 sermons
There's a world of difference between knowing about God, and actually knowing God. In this part of Isaiah, a faithless people under the shadow of exile are given the most beautiful descriptions of who their God is, and what his attitude is towards them, to comfort them and give them hope about what lies ahead. Spoiler alert: it's greater and bigger and more wonderful than they could ever imagine. Because our God's behind it.