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Church  •  Cottonwood Falls, KS

1 sermon
Caring Enough
2 sermons
Jonah: Undeserved Mercy
5 sermons
Have you ever found yourself in a “me” or “thee” situation? Perhaps some time that you wanted God to do for you something that you did not want him to do for others? Have you ever seen mercy extended to those whom you thought deserved destruction, while at the same time you were being disciplined for your own disobedience? Join us for 6 sermons in the Old Testament book of Jonah as we learn that God’s mercy looks a lot different than we expect.
Passion Week 2024
2 sermons
Easter is a holiday unique to Christianity. The Resurrection of Jesus sets Christianity apart from all other religious, social or political systems. This truth has implications for our public and personal lives. Your response to the resurrection is not an either/or decision, this truth is both/and.
James: Put on Kindness
11 sermons
Jesus Came to the world He created, then He SENT His followers INTO the World that He died to redeem. Winter and Spring 2024 will look at the New Testament book of James to answer the question, “How Does God expect me to interact with our neighbors in Chase County?” These 5 brief chapters will provide us with 12 lessons on how to live as an Ambassador of Christ in 2024.