11 sermons
5 sermons
2 sermons
In-crowd, or in Christ? (Galatians)
2 sermons
Do you have to be an Old Testament Jew in order to become an authentic New Testament Christian? We might not obviously be in danger of this thinking today, but Galatians still presents us with a challenge: will be satisfied with a saving gospel of grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone? Or will we want to modify the gospel to improve on it?
Leader Training
6 sermons
Each term, our Grace Community Group leaders prepare to teach studies in parallel with the Sunday sermon. To help them do that, we've started recording our pre-term interactive training sessions.
56 sermons
We usually work our way through sections of the Bible in a sermon series, but occasionally we have visiting speakers and others presenting sermons outside of our regular Bible teaching. Find these messages here.
A Better Story (Genesis 1-11)
10 sermons
The early history of God's dealings with his creation in the first eleven chapters of Genesis are crucial to our understanding of who God is, who we are, why the world is the way it is... and why we need Jesus.
Stand firm: Grace-filled living in a difficult world (1 Peter)
8 sermons
Christians are never going to 'fit in' in the world. We must accept that. Sometimes this will be easier, sometimes this will be harder. But when we're rejected, misunderstood, overlooked, insulted, challenged or made the butt of jokes, how do we respond? The answer Peter gives his readers is the same as for us, two-thousand years later: stand firm on the real grace of God to us in Jesus.