(2 results)
Benjamin Kurz • Illustration • • 165 views
The children of Israel were ready to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land. But there was a barrier between them and the city of Jericho. The people of Jericho worshipped Baal. Baal was the god of water, rain, wind, storms, etc. At this time, the Jordan River was at flood stage. To the people of Jericho,…
Benjamin Kurz • Illustration • • 3,959 views
1. Feeding on the Word -- DAILY Nutrition A healthy baby has a healthy appetite. If you have truly been "born" of the Spirit of God, you will have a healthy appetite. The Bible says, "As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby," (1 Peter 2:2). Feed yourself every day…