(25 results)

Bobby Earls • Illustration • • 22 views • unknown
This poem was given to me, quoted to me actually while serving an interim at the Pritchard Memorial Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC. This dear elderly lady was a resident of a local nursing home during that time (c. 1978-1979). The pastor of the church and I visited with her and when she learned that I was preparing for a career in ministry, but attended a Methodist College (Wofford, Spartanburg, SC) she was greatly concerned that I do not leave the Baptist denomination to become a Methodist

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 78 views
Francine Stein passed away at the age of 83, and her daughter was worried no one would come to the funeral service so she put out a request on social media, inviting strangers to come. About 30 people responded to the call for help and became the mourners and pallbearers at her funeral. Rabbi Elchanan…
Dan Hughes • Illustration • • 7 views
Published January 26, 2013 Associated Press YORK, Pa. – Mourners at a Pennsylvania fast-food fan's funeral wanted him to have it his way, so they arranged for his hearse -- and the rest of the procession -- to make one last drive-thru visit before reaching the cemetery. David Kime Jr. "lived by his own…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 72 views
FORGIVENESS On November 12, 2006, Frank, a follower of Christ, and his wife Becca were walking in Denver with their two children, Macie, four years old, and Garrison, two. Mom and Dad were pushing Macie and Garrison in a side-by-side stroller. As they crossed an intersection, a drunk driver named Lawrence…
Terry Cavanaugh • Illustration • • 3 views
Died At 64 of complications from diabetes, Jazz owner Larry Miller. A Salt Lake City car dealer, Miller bought the team in 1985 when it appeared the Jazz was on the verge of a move to Miami, and soon he became one of the NBA's more visible owners. "We can only wish that we leave this earth as gracefully…
Illustration • • 25 views
Day by Day written by Caroline Sandell-Berg Day by day and with each passing moment, Strength I find to meet my trials here; Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment, I’ve no cause for worry or for fear. He whose heart is kind beyond all measure Gives unto each day what He deems best — Lovingly its part…
Jarred Edgecombe • Illustration • • 3,186 views
DWIGHT LYMAN MOODY, born in 1837, was the greatest evangelist of his day. He preached to more people than any of his contemporaries and was the catalyst of great revivals not only in the United States and Canada but also in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Yet what meant more to Moody than even his evangelistic…
Robby Roberson • Illustration • • 51 views
Illustration • • 11 views
Victory in Defeat Defeat may serve as well as victory To shake the soul and let the glory out. When the great oak is straining in the wind, The boughs drink in new beauty, and the trunk Sends down a deeper root on the windward side. Only the soul that knows the mighty grief Can know the mighty rapture.…
Jerrie W. Barber • Illustration • • 6 views
Loren Mead says in this regard: Saying “good-bye” is terribly important; too many pastors are self-centered at this point, refusing to let people have parties and occasions for saying good-bye, acting as if the celebrations were for the person of the departing pastor. No way. They are important moments…
Illustration • • 11 views
How He Lived Not, how did he die? But, how did he live? Not, what did he gain? But, what did he give? These are the merits To measure the worth Of a man as man, Regardless of birth. Not, what was his station? But, had he a heart? And how did he play His God-given part? Was he ever ready With word of…
Pastor Doug Warmann • Illustration • • 39 views
In AD 125, a man named Aristides sent a letter to an acquaintance to give this explanation for the rapid spread of Christianity: "If any righteous man among the Christians passes from this world, they rejoice and offer thanks to God, and they escort his body with songs and thanksgiving as if he were…
Illustration • • 19 views
Lord, Make Me and Instrument of Your Peace - by Francis Assisi Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy.…
James Anson • Illustration • • 524 views
*/King Heroine is my shepherd, I shall always want. He maketh me to lie down in the gutters. He leadeth me beside the trouble water. He destroyeth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of wickedness for the effort's sake. Yea, I shall walk through the valley of poverty. I will fear all evil for thou, Heroine,…
Brent Lewis • Illustration • • 22 views
– His father’s faith is evident in a consoling letter he wrote to his other son, soon after the composer’s untimely death. In it, the father exhorts him to “seek comfort in God, and to bear any affliction that may fall on us according to God’s wise dispensation with resolute submission to His holy will.…
Rich DeRuiter • Illustration • • 8 views
Many of you know Charles de Gaulle as the famous French WWII soldier, statesman, author. What you probably did not know was that Charles and Evonne deGaulle were the parents of a very mentally handicapped child. She was a treasure and a great concern to them both. No matter how bad things were in France,…
Ralph Andrus • Illustration • • 3,221 views
I read of a man who stood to speak At the funeral of a friend He referred to the dates on her tombstone From the beginning . . . . To the end. He noted that first came her date of birth And spoke the following date with tears, But he said what mattered most of all Was the dash between those years. (1934…
Ralph Andrus • Illustration • • 21 views
A sobbing little girl stood near a small church from which she had been turned away because it "was too crowded". "I can't go to Sunday School," she sobbed to the pastor as he walked by. Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the pastor guessed the reason and, taking her by the hand, took her inside…
Ralph Andrus • Illustration • • 10 views
During the waning years of the Depression in a small southeastern Idaho community, I used to stop by Brother Miller's roadside stand for farm-fresh produce as the season made it available. Food and money were still extremely scarce and bartering was used extensively. One particular day Brother Miller…
David Melchior • Illustration • • 24 views
The word Father is used fifty-three times in John 13–17. Heaven is “My Father’s house,” according to the Son of God. It is “home” for God’s children! Some years ago, a London newspaper held a contest to determine the best definition of “home.” The winning entry was, “Home is the place where you are treated…
John Leffler • Illustration • • 19 views
Michael Reagan’s Greatest Gift Michael Reagan received many gifts from his father, President Ronald Reagan. At his Dad’s funeral, here is how Michael described the greatest fit his Father gave him: I was so proud to have the Reagan name and to be Ronald Reagan’s son. What a great honor. He gave me a…
John Leffler • Illustration • • 24 views
\\ Remembering the past is critical to our survival and to our identity as persons and as a people. This was brought home to me again while reading the book Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick. He tells the story of the first Pilgrim settlement at Plymouth, the community they developed and the Indian wars…
John Leffler • Illustration • • 9 views
What do You MEAN I’m Not Going to Die? A British man who went on a wild spending spree after doctors said he only had a short time to live wants compensation because the diagnosis was wrong and he is now healthy-but broke. Jon Brandrick, 62, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years ago and told…
Illustration • • 1,567 views
053 Dying Words Of Believers • Matthew Henry—”Sin is bitter. I bless God I have inward supports.” • Martin Luther—”Our God is the God from whom cometh salvation: God is the Lord by whom we escape death.” • John Knox—Live in Christ, Live in Christ, and the flesh need not fear death. • John Calvin—”Thou,…
Illustration • • 44 views
He wrote in advance the epitaph to be on his gravestone: “The body of Benjamin Franklin, Printer, like the cover of an old book, its contents torn out and stripped of its lettering and gilding, lies here … Yet the Work itself shall not be lost; for it will, as he believed, appear once more in a new and…