(2 results)
Ralph Andrus • Illustration • • 72 views
GenXers are those born between 1965 and 1981. They are also often referred to as Baby Busters. There are 38 million GenXers in America, and they are marked by the following items: Over 50% come from broken homes. Their median income declined by 11% in the 80's, while for all other age groups it rose…
John Leffler • Illustration • • 17 views
Does being more of a father make you less of a man? To a group of committed dads assembled one night in a New Jersey diner, the answer is obvious. Sort of. Paul Haley, 38, a father of two, says women look at him when he walks down the street with his kids. "I think it's admiration," he says. Adam Wolff,…