(3 results)
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 26 views
Former Pastor Steven Dyer owns a stable business in Oklahoma and enjoys working with horses. He shares his experience through YouTube and has posted videos about the challenges of working with wild mustangs and teaching ponies not to be afraid. Dyer named the video series,” Sermon By Horse,” and said…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 12 views
In his book, It Calls You Back, Luis J. Rodriguez discusses the true relationship between a father and son who dealt with gangs. This son gets in a fight with his father about being in a gang. The son then runs away from the father and the father chases him “from street to street, alley to alley.” Then…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 5 views
The Financial Times has warned that the world’s supply of diamonds is running out? The World’s largest diamond producer, DeBeers, will cut production beginning in 2011 from 48 million carats to about 40 million. --The Week, May 7, 2010 p.38. Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell There is no…