(4 results)
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 6 views
Charles Colson tells of a frustrated prison psychiatrist who exclaimed, “I can cure a person’s madness, but not his badness.” The only way to make bad people good is to expose them to the gospel. Even Charles Darwin, the man who contributed so much to evolutionistic thinking, admitted this. He wrote…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 25 views
I will never forget watching an evening talk show featuring the story of the parents and killer of a young college student. The killer was his best friend. The weapon was high alcohol content inside a speeding automobile. … What made this particular feature prime-time viewing? The parents had forgiven…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 4 views
If you ever get to take a mission trip to Iglesia Paz in Juarez, Mx, pictures like this will break your heart. These people live in unsanitary conditions in homes made of cardboard and fork-lift slats. The desease, the squalor, the bugs, the stench, the rotten food and the prized garbage possessions…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 5 views
I read of one person’s visit to Rwanda. Rwanda is the country in which so many people have recently been killed over religion. When this person went, they said they went looking for monsters. Not the kind that devours New York City in some “b” movie. They said that they had begun to imagine, after hearing…