(43 results)

Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 102 views
I have heard of a fine gentleman in London, dressed in all his best, walking out in the park. He had a poor old father who lived in the country, and who came up dressed in his rustic clothes to see his son. As the son was not at home when the father reached the house, he went into the park to find him.…

Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 31 views
The servant in your house, however diligent, is not your heir; for a servant to claim to be the heir would not be tolerated for a moment in a court of law. The servant may be able truthfully to say, “I have been in my master’s house these many years, neither have I transgressed at any time his commandments;…

Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 26 views
In the dark and dreadful night, the destroying angel is let loose, with noiseless wings, and with a sharp sword that never misses its mark. He is speeding from house to house throughout all the land of Egypt, and from the firstborn of Pharaoh upon the throne to the firstborn of the slave woman behind…

Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 47 views
If I am a child of God, I learn to trust my Father. I do not know a more delightful act of childhood than trustfulness in a parent. And how often if we trust God we shall be rewarded! Yesterday, I received a note from one of the trustees of the orphanage to say that the running account was so low that,…

Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 11 views
I know an old friend who used to tell me that for 60 years he had never known a day’s illness. A splendid healthy old man he was, but about three months ago he took typhoid fever. I went to see him, and when he got better he came to see me. He said, “Well, sir, you see I am not the man I was, but I have…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 46 views
Michael B. Jordon shares a name with one of the most famous basketball players of all time. Living with a famous name is not easy. “I hated my name. I wanted to change it,” Jordan, who is an accomplished actor says. “But it gave me a healthy chip on my shoulder. One of my goals is when people hear ‘Michael…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 14 views
A 13-year-old boy who was abandoned by his previous adoptive family found a new forever home with a very understanding parent. Tony Mutabazi had been in the foster care system since the age of two, and was adopted the first time at the age of 4. Seven years later he was left at a hospital and his parents…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 42 views
NBA superstar Wilt Chamberlin boasted in his autobiography about the number of women he slept with during his playing career. He promised that there were not any “little Willies” around though. Evidently he may have been mistaken. Aaron Levi, adopted as a baby began to search for his birthparents. When…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 12 views
Davion Only is 15 years-old. He has spent his whole life in foster care, one family after another taking care of him. In a speech at St Mark Missionary Baptist Church in St. Petersburg, Fla. he told the congregation, I need a family “to love me until I die. I’ll take anyone, old or young, dad or mom,…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 15 views
When Chelsey Haley finished school and began teaching, she joined the Teach for America program to make a difference in a low-income school. She never expected to encounter a boy named Jerome, who made her question her motives and future as a teacher. She went to an elementary school in Louisiana, where…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 10 views
In “Adopted for Life,” Russell Moore writes, “As soon as you peer into the truth of the one aspect, you fall headlong into the truth of the other, and vice versa. That’s because it’s the way the gospel is. Jesus reconciles us to God and to each other. As we love our God, we love our neighbor; as we love…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 12 views
Adopted as a child and with no knowledge of her biological family Abbey Donohoe met Paula O’Brien at a party in Davenport Iowa. Despite their 11-year difference in age people said they looked like sisters. They became Facebook friends and when O’Brien made a post about her brother’s child who was given…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 17 views
Orlando was an 11-year-old Arizona boy who had spent years in a Mexican orphanage before winding up in foster care in Phoenix, AZ. When he joined Jodi Kacz’s reading intervention class the teacher took a shine to Orlando. Kacz had a heart problem that kept her from having her own children but when she…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 18 views
Donnie Davis was Tristan Jacobson’s guardian. She wanted to adopt the 9-year-old was by his birth mother. She could not afford the $10,000 in legal fees so Tristan took matters into his own hands. He began selling lemonade on the street. His little stand began to attract hundreds of generous customers…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 35 views
Russell Moore and his wife adopted two sons from Russia and when the legal process was finally over and they went to pick them up from the orphanage the transition proved to be harder than they had expected. Their new sons had never been outside. They had never even ridden in a car. As they pulled away…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 14 views
It just looked like a mutt wandering the streets. Further research found that it was a rare South African Mastiff stolen from his yard in Beaverdam, Virginia. What looked like a lonely mutt was actually a pure bred dog worth over $10,000. His owner was ecstatic to get him back. —Jim L. Wilson and Rodger…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
While record rainfall totals fell in the midsection of the United States in May 2015, other parts of the country were dry. Overall, of the 1,445 months since weather records began in January 1895, May was the single wettest month across the country. 20 states reported wetter than average weather. It…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 18 views
In 2014, the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline received reports of 5,042 potential human trafficking cases. Almost one-third of the cases involved minors. The department of justice believes about 300,000 children in the United States are trafficking victims. Shannon Forsythe is the founder…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
Author G. K. Chesterson wrote, “All theology has two simple principles: that we matter and that everyone else matters.” That restates the Apostle Paul’s instruction that we are to regard others as more important than ourselves. In this day of Black Lives Matter, white lives matter, or all lives matter,…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 20 views
A private investigator finally managed to track down a homeless Utah man to tell him that he has inherited a lot of money. David Lundberg said he located Max Melitzer pushing a shopping cart full of his personal possessions. Melitzer stands to receive a large sum of money from his brother’s estate, and…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 6 views
A study of the nighttime illumination during the holidays shows that in many cities are up to 50 percent brighter than other times of the year. NASA scientists decided to investigate after discovering a major increase of the lights of Cairo Egypt during certain times of year. They found that throughout…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
New Jersey police are reinforcing good behavior by giving out tickets. They say normally when a person gets a ticket, it’s a bad thing. But with the new policy, it is sometimes a good thing. Two bicyclists were some of the first people to learn about the new policy. Sgt. Ostermueller of the Cherry Hills…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 339 views
Many studies have shown the benefits for those growing up in good strong families. Two Australian philosophers have a somewhat different take on good families. They believe that happy families contribute to social inequality. When children grow up in a loving family it gives them an unfair advantage.…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 19 views
There is an interesting debate occurring in France. The French government owns all church building built before 1905. There are thousands of government-owned church buildings that are standing empty and unused. “Only 6 percent of French people attend Mass every Sunday, and rural churches are ‘falling…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 13 views
Six-year-old Jaden Hayes been through every child’s worst nightmare twice, but has made it his goal to bring smiles. Jaden’s father died when he was four, and then his mother died unexpectedly in her sleep. He was heartbroken and alone, but decided to use his grief in a positive way. He told his aunt…