(6 results)
Terry Cavanaugh • Illustration • • 9 views
Success through Simplicity Brian Proffit, Rev! Magazine Interview click for a printer-friendly version of this page Brian Proffit interviewed Dave Browning, founding pastor of Christ the King Community Church (CTK), now an international network of affiliated local bodies, at the National Pastor's Convention.…
John Leffler • Illustration • • 9 views
Hire for the Heart, Not Just the Head You may be wondering how we manage to find enough formally trained, seminary-schooled pastors milling around among the laity to staff our church. The answer is very simple: We don’t. We don’t think, in our style of church, that people who are formally trained are…
David Tadlock • Illustration • • 38 views
Illustration – For want of a nail, the shoe was lost, shoe – horse, horse – canon, canon – battle, battle – war. Illustration – The Auction ..old violin..all we have left ..what is my bid? $1,2,3..Old gray haired man .. resin up the bow .. tightened up the strings .. played a melody as sweet as the angels…
John Leffler • Illustration • • 9 views
I believe very strongly that the church rises and falls on leadership. You can talk about preaching, drama, events, and children’s activities all day and night, but nothing will start going and flowing until you have the right people in leadership positions. For a church to reach its full potential,…
John Leffler • Illustration • • 5 views
One of the biggest challenges for leaders is keeping the mission and values of the organization in front of their leadership. These days most churches have a mission statement hanging on the wall somewhere. Most have a list of values printed in an employee handbook. But how do you keep that kind of information…
John Leffler • Illustration • • 7 views
People don’t walk away from a job; they walk away from a manager. The best way to build loyalty is by making an effort to know people at a personal level. Find common interests and build bridges into their world. Understand what makes them tick. Reward their successes. Appreciate each person in a way…