(481 results)
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 12 views
Listening to Atheist Richard Dawkins convinced him. He had been a Mormon, but as Richard Morgan read Dawkins’ book, The Blind Watchmaker, his faith was shattered. He became convinced that all he had been looking for through his faith was social acceptance. The book made it clear that there really was…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 14 views
When I was in graduate school at MTSU, I took a class in teaching exceptional children. That was the label they used in the ‘80's for “special needs” students: you know, those children who were mentally challenged, were blind, were deaf, or could not walk. It was a very interesting and sometimes eye-opening…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 19 views
In an article for The Wall Street Journal, writer Leonard Mlodinow shares a funny story from the life of baseball great Joe DiMaggio: It was the summer of 1945, and World War II had ended. Former soldiers, including famous baseball stars, streamed back into America and American life. Yankee slugger Joe…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 3 views
Christie Brinkley, the 57-year-old former supermodel, has turned sour about marriage and love. After divorcing her first husband, she married the singer Billy Joel in 1985. At first their marriage was a "blast," she said. "We literally never stopped singing the whole time we were together." But they…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 10 views
Today we begin a new series entitled Divorce Proof. I want to tell you some of what the Bible says about a truly biblical marriage and how you can apply that truth to keep your marriage strong and your family together. Today we begin at the beginning. We will seek to define marriage. Now, as I do that,…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 12 views
Well, you can really increase your desire for God in the same way you increase your hunger for “real” food. I remember my first encounter with weight watchers in my twenties. I had put on a little “wedding weight.” You know, you get married and in the first five years of marriage you gain about 20 pounds.…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 35 views
Let me show you how this works. This whole connection between pride and joy comes into play when a believer is confronted with some opportunity of obedience to God. A couple of weeks ago, those of you who were in the first service when I preached on guilt heard me talk about the top ten ways to know…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 3 views
One modern philosopher admitted, “I want atheism to be true … It isn't just that I don't believe in God, and, naturally, hope that I'm right about my belief. It's that I hope there is no God! I don't want there to be a God; I don't want the universe to be like that."”
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 1,311 views
One missionary told of their experience on the field that illustrates this so well. One day they said that an enormous snake—much longer than a man—slithered its way right through their front door and into the kitchen of their simple home. Of course, they were terrified and ran outside looking for one…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 158 views
These are the top ten ways to tell if you’re having a bad day. Number 10 - Your horn sticks on the freeway behind 32 Hell's Angels Number 9 - You call suicide prevention and they put you on hold. Number 8 - Your birthday cake collapses from the weight of the candles. Number 7 - Your 4-year-old tells…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 20 views
Joey Lee was in the race of his life—the 150-mile Marathon Des Sables, across the Moroccan Sahara Desert. On day four, Lee was still running, though other runners had already been airlifted out after surrendering to the heat or to physical exhaustion. About 80 miles into the race, the air pockets in…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 21 views
In fact, it is quite common to shake their puny fists at God in the middle of tragedy and suffering. Nebraska State Senator, Ernie Chambers took his complaints to court.In October 2007, Sen. Chambers sued God for "causing untold death and horror" in the form of "fearsome floods…horrendous hurricanes,…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 3 views
The story of General George Washington is quite an amazing one. He was, hands down, the most important figure in the revolution and independence of this country. He stuck it out when things were bleak. In fact, there was a period of time when Washington was the Head General of a group of states which…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 31 views
In the fifth century, a monk named Telemachus wanted to live his life in pursuit of God, so he lived alone in the desert praying, fasting, and meditating. That was the custom, of his day. Truly spiritual people went out to be totally alone in the desert so that they could give themselves fully to God.…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 24 views
In his book, Living with Eternity in Your Heart, Mark Buchanan writes about what I call the “Christmas Paper Blues.” It’s what happens on Christmas morning. Mark says that he even saw it in his children when they reached the age that Christmas morning became the “Day of Getting.” There were mounds of…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 13 views
In fact, it is quite common to shake their puny fists at God in the middle of tragedy and suffering. Nebraska State Senator, Ernie Chambers took his complaints to court.In October 2007, Sen. Chambers sued God for "causing untold death and horror" in the form of "fearsome floods…horrendous hurricanes,…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 10 views
It was supposed to be the "perfect" town. After all, it was planned by Disney itself. The town of Celebration, Florida, a 16-acre utopian community just ten minutes from Walt Disney World, was developed in order to promote "Disney values." Disney designed the buildings, as well as its education and health…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 8 views
She never imagined it would end like that. He never saw it coming. Their marriage began as most do with high hopes and bright dreams, but in a year or so, it was all over. No, she didn’t begin to flirt with anyone at work. No, he didn’t ignore her for some flattering woman on the job. Their divorce started…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 277 views
You see, finally and at last, it is this decision to focus our worship upon God alone which restores our perspective. Failing that, you begin to view your world through the lens of circumstance which will ultimately disappoint you. Most of you have heard the legend of the Taj Mahal. In fact I’ve told…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 64 views
Ever hear the story of the Prodigal Pig? It goes like this: There was a man who had two son And loved them for they were his own. The younger said, “Dad, I want my estate, I think that I’m now fully grown.” The son left home, went far away, And spent all he had living high. A famine then hit and low…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 251 views
One missionary writes that while he was serving in Paraguay, a Maka Indian by the name of Rafael would come and sit on his porch. He was inside eating, so he went out to see what Rafael wanted. When he asked, Rafael just said, “Ham, henek, met.” He didn’t get a lot out of that, even though he understood…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 11 views
Her name was Charlotte. She came in for financial counseling a few months before she and her boyfriend got married. She had done a great job of saving over the years and had a solid head start on her retirement. She was worried because her fiancé, Taylor, had about $20,000 in credit card debt. Charlotte…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 11 views
I met him when I was a youth pastor. He was a handsome boy with a gregarious personality, but I could tell something was not right. I knew it on one of the first youth trips I went on with him. I don’t remember a lot that happened, but I just remember that, when we got back pretty late and we were waiting…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 10 views
The flame in the eyes had been extinguished. The smirk had been humbled. The devil-may-care attitude had been replaced with soberness. His first few days of destitution were likely steamy with resentment. He was mad at everyone. Everyone was to blame. His friends shouldn’t have bailed out on him. And…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 10 views
I’D RATHER DIE WHILE I’M LIVING THAN LIVE WHILE I’M DEAD I WANT TO LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER EVERY NOW AND THEN.. THE WEATHER IS HERE, WISH YOU WERE BEAUTIFUL. All of these truisms were the creation of that “dock-of-the-bay” philosopher, Jimmy Buffet. While I surely there are better sources of truth, I…