(4 results)
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 14 views
The city of Santa Teresa, New Mexico has pumped millions of dollars into the state’s economy. The border-crossing, port-of-entry has streets lined with warehouses filled with goods of every kind. The city remains unincorporated, and though there are plenty of buildings, the city lacks shops, cafes, gas…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 5 views
A postcard sent to two sisters in Elmira, New York arrived at the right address, but ended up in the hands of another family because it arrived nearly 70 years after it was sent. The card was sent in July, 1943 from Illinois. It was sent to Pauline and Theresa Leisenring by their parents who were visiting…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 248 views
Three Zen Buddhist monks stopped on their journey to rest. One of the monks saw a flag and said, "Oh, What a strong wind blowing!” The second monk argued that it was not the wind blowing but the flag flying. The third monk contended that neither the wind was blowing nor the flag flying, but their minds…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
Melanie Marken was exhausted. Getting off the airplane in Bloomington, she was ready to find her hotel and get some rest. This is when she made a disconcerting discovery. She was in the wrong Bloomington. Her business was in Bloomington, Indiana, she was in Bloomington, Illinois. Her travel agent had…