(28 results)
![How not to be like Alice in Wonderland](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 120 views
In “Approved Life,” Joshua Saefkow writes, “In the 1951 children's classic, Alice in Wonderland, Alice asks Cheshire cat for advice when she comes to an intersection on the road. She said, ‘Cheshire, can you please tell me, which way I ought to go from here?’ ‘That depends a good deal on where you want…
Wesley Crouch • Illustration • • 13 views
New Year Suppose you were to go to the ticket window of a Lexington airport and say “I want a ticket.” The clerk would say, “Where to?” and you replied “anywhere” “what tickets do you have?” the ticket clerk would say that is Crazy! You’ll never get anywhere! All day long you can just stand there waiting…
![Man heading to Washington ends up in Germany](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 4 views
On July 14, 2011, Yauheni Shchytou took a plane from Minsk, Belarus, Russia to Milan, Italy, then to JFK in New York and expected to reach Seattle, Washington. The trip went well and the plane reached New York on time. After a brief layover, he found the gate to board the next plane. Shchytou, though…
![Trian in India travels 600 miles in wrong direction](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 12 views
In India, more than 1,000 travelers boarded a train headed for Varanasi. After they had traveled the necessary 600 miles, they realized they were in Warangal instead. They had traveled 600 miles in the wrong direction and were so far from their original destination they were even in the wrong region.…
![Woman follows GPS directions 900 miles in wrong direction](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 105 views
A Belgian woman only wanted to travel 90 miles to pick up a friend from the train station in Brussels. Instead, following the directions on her GPS device, she went 900 miles in the wrong direction. She ended up in Croatia. The woman said she didn’t realize there was a problem until the second day of…
![Woman arrives in wrong state due to travel agent booking error](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
Melanie Marken was exhausted. Getting off the airplane in Bloomington, she was ready to find her hotel and get some rest. This is when she made a disconcerting discovery. She was in the wrong Bloomington. Her business was in Bloomington, Indiana, she was in Bloomington, Illinois. Her travel agent had…
![Is magnetic north changing position over time?](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 14 views
Due to recent shifts in magnetic north, authorities are warning everyone who uses a compass to exercise caution. Movement of the planet’s core of hot liquid iron causes the position of magnetic north to drift somewhat. The concern is that over the past century the change has been increasing in speed.…
![Retired couple follow GPS directions and crash into church](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 16 views
A retired British couple escaped serious injury after the GPS navigation system in their car directed them to drive into a church. The couple was driving along a back road near the Austrian border when the navigation system told them to make an immediate right run where there was no road. The 76 year-old…
![Retired couple follow GPS directions and crash into church](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 13 views
A retired British couple escaped serious injury after the GPS navigation system in their car directed them to drive into a church. The couple was driving along a back road near the Austrian border when the navigation system told them to make an immediate right run where there was no road. The 76 year-old…
![Dennis Hopper gives message to Baby Boomers on direction](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 8 views
Before the Hollywood icon, Dennis Hopper died; he made a series of TV commercials for Ameriprize Financial, aimed specifically at Baby Boomers. One commercial begins with Hopper standing at a crossroads and saying, “So here you are, a little confused. Did you think the road to retirement was an expressway?…
![Vision main task of leaders, author writes](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 16 views
In his book, The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make, Hans Finzel writes, “Vision is an effective leader’s chief preoccupation.” --Top Ten Mistakes, 201 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jeff Langley Proverbs 29:18a (KJV) Where there is no vision, the people perish
![Slight GPS misspelling leads couple in wrong direction](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 6 views
SALVATION A middle-aged couple intended to input Carpi, an Island off the coast of Italy, into their GPS, but instead selected Capri, a town 400 miles away. They didn’t discover their mistake until they asked locals for directions to the Island’s famous “Blue Grotto.” "They were surprised, but not angry,"…
Illustration • • 8 views
ROME — Officials say a Swedish couple looking for the pristine waters of the popular island of Capri ended some 400 miles (660 kilometers) away in the northern industrial town of Carpi after misspelling the destination on their car's GPS.* Angelo Giovannini, a spokesman for the Carpi town hall, near…
![Man of 81 drives 400 miles out of way](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
LOST Authorities in Australia say an elderly man set out to get a morning newspaper, and ended up driving 400 miles after he accidentally turned onto a major highway. 81 year-old Eric Steward drove for 9 hours before he stopped and asked for directions. Steward eventually approached a policeman at a…
Illustration • • 23 views
One night as the famous Bible teacher F. B. Meyer stood on the deck of a ship approaching land, he wondered how the crew knew when and how to safely steer to the dock. It was a stormy night, and visibility was low. Meyer, standing on the bridge and peering through the window, asked “Captain, how do you…
![London signs in Israel confusing to drivers](
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 5 views
WAYS/PATHS British Airways placed signs in various Israeli cities directing drivers to London landmarks. The signs read "Right turn for Hyde Park, Left for London Eye, and straight on for Buckingham Palace." An Israeli police spokesperson said the signs "look very much like official traffic signs and…
Stephen N. Rummage • Illustration • • 26 views
If you happen to be in a quiet place while you’re reading these words—I mean a really quiet place—cast your eyes heavenward for a moment and listen very intently. Hear it? That very gently swishing sound you hear is being made by thirty satellites moving silently through space, circling our globe more…
Rich DeRuiter • Illustration • • 6 views
A helicopter was flying around above Seattle yesterday when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communication equipment. Due to the clouds and haze the pilot could not determine his position or course to steer to the airport. The pilot saw a tall building,…
Stephen N. Rummage • Illustration • • 3 views
A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her husband. Suddenly her husband burst into the kitchen. “Careful…CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! Oh good grief! You’re cooking too many at once. TOO MANY! Turn them! TURN THEM NOW! We need more butter. Oh good grief! WHERE are we going to get MORE BUTTER?…
Illustration • • 12 views
Quote by David Roper... "God surrounds Himself with incompetents. The people God uses rarely have been great people, nore have great people been the people God uses. God looks for misfits and milquetoasts, schmucks and schlemiels. It's not that He has to make-do with a bunch of fools. He CHOOSES them!"…
Stephen N. Rummage • Illustration • • 4 views
A family who had moved to a new neighborhood got a late start one morning, and as a result their six-year-old missed her bus to school. Though it would make him late for work, the father agreed to take her to school if she could give him directions. They left their neighborhood, and the young girl began…
Illustration • • 8 views
"For years I have made it a very careful and studied rule never to look at a commentary on a text, until I have spent time on the text alone. Get down and sweat over the text yourself. That is my method. . . . I once heard Dr W.J. Dawson say: "Half the bad theology in the world is due to suppressed perspiration."…
Illustration • • 31 views
God Works in Mysterious Ways, and in Mysterious Places... Turtles don't tend to draw much attention to themselves. They swim, eat turtle pellets, poop and, well, that's pretty much it. But one special turtle has some believing she's a messenger from God. An Illinois woman claims that a silhouette of…
Illustration • • 12 views
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.