(6 results)

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 17 views
Stephen Curry’s golden boy image may have taken a hit after his outburst in game 6 of the 2016 NBA finals. Curry received his sixth foul with four minutes remaining in the game. Obviously upset with the call, Curry proceeded to curse the official and throw his mouthpiece into the stands hitting a fan.…
Rusty Russell • Illustration • • 9 views
Now at the risk of making you think badly of me, I must just be honest and confess something: I don’t always want to come to church. There! It’s out! I said it! You know what I would really do if I just gave in to my flesh? I’d sit home in my easy chair, watch TV and eat ice cream! In fact, if I’m not…
Janet Parent • Illustration • • 392 views
To cope when things aren’t going right or going my way, I tend to… become self-absorbed (self-consumed) by: becoming overly introspective feeling sorry for myself engaging in self-pity getting depressed by stuffing my anger and frustrations beating up on myself (hating myself) focusing on my suffering…
Timothy C. Seal • Illustration • • 16 views
“FLESH, WARRING WITH” “The sins which we thought had utterly left us are hunting us behind, while impassible floods block up the way. Even trembling Israel halting by the Red Sea is but a faint emblem of that terrible position into which the child of God usually falls, within a few weeks or months after…
Rich DeRuiter • Illustration • • 30 views
Kay Martin, a secretary to a New Zealand MP, got the fright of her life last year. According to the Auckland Sunday Star, she and a friend were chatting when they heard a chicken squawking. The bird sounded in some distress, so they went outside to investigate, thinking perhaps that it had escaped from…
Jerry Canupp • Illustration • • 309 views
A beggar lived near the king's palace. One day he saw a proclamation posted outside the palace gate. The king was giving a great dinner. Anyone dressed in royal garments was invited to the party. The beggar went on his way. He looked at the rags he was wearing and sighed. Surely only kings and their…