(9 results)

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 30 views
A new social science study has found that the positive emotions associated with social media postings generally outweigh negative one. The study looked at the content and spread of 19 million English-language posts from September 2014. The results showed that while negative content tended to spread faster,…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
49er head coach Jim Harbaugh learned the power of spinning a situation at an early age. When he was a little kid, the family's motto was "Who's got it better than us?" His dad, Jack, would ask the question and Jim, his brother John and sister Joani would shout in unison, "Nobody!" At the time, they lived…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
How's your 'tude? It's been pretty tough being a Dodger fan this season. Even Tommy Lasorda is embarrassed. Last week, the Los Angeles Times reported that the senior Vice President borrowed a page from his coaching days and gave a rousing locker room speech to the team. Lasorda directed one comment toward…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 14 views
JUSTIFICATION The Canadian Ironman competition involves a 3.8 km swim, followed by an 180 km cycle, and ending with the traditional 42 km marathon run. The Ironman competition however, is not just a physical fitness competition, but a battle of the mind. In the race, all of a racer's self-doubts and…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 14 views
THANKSGIVING Some doctors think they have found a way to improve your health. This new treatment will lower your blood pressure, help you feel less hostile, help you to quit smoking, and even to lose weight. You can lower your risk of depression, phobias, bulimia, and alcoholism. What is the miracle…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 6 views
SINGING New research suggests drivers who enjoy a sing-a-long while on the road concentrate more and fall asleep less than drivers who remain silent behind the wheel. The study conducted for a British insurance company found 63 percent of safe drivers—those who had not been in an accident for four years…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 8 views
EXPECTATIONS What effect do unreasonable expectations have on people? Do they motivate them to excel or do they discourage them? A group of psychologists recently conducted a study to find the answer to these questions. They gathered a group of undergraduate students to see if they would perform at different…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 10 views
SIN Jill Price has an ability that can be both a blessing and a curse. Jill, a Los Angeles religious school administrator has the ability to recall in detail almost every day of her life. She can also recall the day and date of key public events. Writing of her unusual ability in The Woman Who Can’t…
John Leffler • Illustration • • 15 views
Look down at your shirt for a moment. Is there a little emblem on the pocket? Or perhaps you have a certain swoosh on your tennis shoes or distinctive rivets on your jeans. If you’re drinking coffee while reading this chapter, is there a green circle on the cup? If you’re sitting at the table, is Tony…