(3 results)

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 29 views
Mesa Arizona police officer Kent Green had been driving by a dumpster and saw a man inside collecting cans and bottles. He stopped the man and asked him to get out, due to safety concerns. As he turned to leave, he noticed the man needed some shoes, and asked if he would like to try a pair on. Green…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 17 views
After viewing a viral video of a police officer joining Florida teens in a street basketball game, Shaquille O'Neal, former MVP basketball player and reserve police officer, joined some officers and the youth in a rematch game. Before leaving, he gave the kids some advice: "You know how much money I…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 12 views
Carl Babik got the surprise of his life when Police officer Joe Sparks knocked on his front door holding a pizza box. As it turned out, Babik was not in any trouble. Officer Sparks delivered the pizza after responding to an accident call of an injured pizza delivery driver. Sparks said, "Just figured…