(8 results)
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 33 views
A Canadian dentist is hoping that chance and a little help from the media can help him find the girl of his dreams. On a trip to Ireland last year, Sandy Crocker, briefly spoke to a woman in a café in the Irish countryside. He says he usually does not instantly fall in love, but there was something special…
Illustration • • 83 views
\\ The Dollars Are in the Way Henry Ford once asked an associate about his life goals. The man replied that his goal was to make a million dollars. A few days later Ford gave the man a pair of glasses made out of two silver dollars. He told the man to put them on and asked what he could see. "Nothing,"…
Illustration • • 1,396 views
Title: What Could You Accomplish in 7 years? Want a shocker? Take the average amount of time that you watch TV or play Video games per day, e.g., two hours (below the national average). Do you realize that over a period of 60 years, you will spend the equivalent of 7 ½ years, sitting in front of the…
Illustration • • 8 views
Evangelism An executive hirer, a "head-hunter" who goes out and hires corporation executives for other firms, once told me, "When I get an executive that I'm trying to hire for someone else, I like to disarm him. I offer him a drink, take my coat off, then my vest, undo my tie, throw up my feet and talk…
Illustration • • 9 views
Dear Yahoo!: How many hours of TV does a person watch in a lifetime? Joey Chesterfield, Missouri Dear Joey: Not to be confused with the hours spent watching Lifetime, one figure we've seen bandied about is 150,000 hours. That's based on a 72-year life expectancy. We suspect that number might be a bit…
Illustration • • 74 views
The Secret of Our Power to Love Legend has it that a wealthy merchant traveling through the Mediterranean world looking for the distinguished Pharisee, Paul, encountered Timothy, who arranged a visit. Paul was, at the time, a prisoner in Rome. Stepping inside the cell, the merchant was surprised to find…
Illustration • • 130 views
"The Paradox of Our Time" The paradox of our time in history is that: We have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less. We buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have…