(23 results)

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 10 views
At 63-years-old, Mélisande Short-Colomb applied to and was accepted as a student at Georgetown University. That is a remarkable story in and of itself, but it gets better. The appeal of her story is not that she began her college career when many people are preparing for retirement, it is the reason…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 207 views
Alan Sorrentino, a 63 year-old resident of Rhode Island, had his house picketed by hundreds of people, and he even received death threats after writing an opinion piece to a small newspaper. In the letter, he stated in strong language that “yoga pants” were stupid, and that women should stop wearing…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 25 views
The film “Do the Right Thing” shows varying degrees of racism and hypocrisy in relationships. The film has several ethnicities within a small area along a time line of one day. Instead of showing the racism of one group; it shows the racism of several: the white against the black; the black against the…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 11 views
George Yancey, is professor at The University of North Texas, and the author of 14 books on race and religious bias. As a Black man and a Christian, he has experienced both. In his experience, there is plenty of bias from both directions, but in academia, the religious intolerance is much worse. “Things…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 20 views
You may have more in common with Priscilla Presley, who married Elvis in 1967 than you think. As she reflected on her marriage to the King, she said “I was hated for marrying him, hated for getting a divorce,” she said. “Having people being critical but not knowing what your life was and not knowing…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 10 views
Frazier Glenn Cross, 73, was arrested and charged with murder after allegedly shooting three people and terrorizing many others at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and the nearby Village Shalom assisted-living facility. Cross has a background of bigotry. In the 1980’s he led a KKK organization.…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
A survey conducted by Harris Interactive has found that prejudice may be closer to home than most people realize. The survey of 3,000 adults found that most people know their neighbors and don’t mind inviting them over, as long as they are not renters. The poll was designed to look at attitudes within…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 6 views
An Ohio judge ordered 62-year-old Edmond Aviv, a man convicted of harassing his neighbor and her disabled children to stand on a street corner for five hours holding a sign proclaiming, ”I AM A BULLY!” The sign was also required to state that Aviv picked on children that were disabled and that he was…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 12 views
In a historic meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, in June 2012, messengers elected Dr. Fred Luter president of their convention. The election was historic, because he is the first African American president of the convention since its founding in 1845. Less than two months into his presidency,…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 36 views
The movie 42 is about Jackie Robinson’s breaking baseball’s color barrier in 1946. The movie gives a glimpse into Robinson’s Christianity and the part it played in his heroic life. There are many other parts to his life that Jesus Christ had a direct part in. The movie doesn’t explain how Robinson used…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 15 views
Did you hear about Rodney King’s recent passing? King was best known as a victim of police brutality. The L.A. Riots were sparked by a video of Police apprehending King after an 8 mile car chase. During the Riots, rioters took the lives of fifty people, injured 2000 more, looted businesses, and started…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
Rhode Island legislators are dealing with a bill that would pardon a man they believe was wrongly hanged for killing a wealthy mill owner over 160 years ago. John Gordon died in 1845. Though his murder trial lasted nine days and included over 100 witnesses, the jury only deliberated for 75 minutes before…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 6 views
Multiculturalism is rapidly losing its attraction in a world gripped in terrorism. German Chancellor Angela Merkel commented on its failure recently; “The tendency had been to say, ‘Let’s adopt the multicultural concept and live happily side by side. . .’But this concept has failed, and failed utterly.”…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 12 views
DISCRIMINATION As Southeastern Baptist Seminary in North Carolina began classes for the fall, Seminary President Daniel Akin challenged the students and faculty to make the campus a "discrimination-free zone." Akin said the message had been on his heart for months. He said, "Our God is a color-blind…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 3 views
Prejudice "Don't put that nickel in your mouth. Some nggr may have touched it." Not exactly what you'd expect to hear from a teacher, but it is my earliest remembrance of Sunday School. Throughout the years, I've learned that most people struggle with racism--even Christians. I know I do. Don't get me…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 134 views
Diversity All of the active members of Timothy Urbany's Sunday School Class at Eastborough Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, were white, middle class, and married with children. They were "birds of a feather that flocked together." Urbany longed for his class to be more diverse, more accepting of…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
Change The older I get, the more resistant to change I am. The other day I was saying to Susan, "I wish there was a drive-in theater around here so we could go to a movie." Never mind the fact that now we can see whatever movie we want by going to an indoor theater or renting one, both of which we never…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 132 views
CONFESSION Estelle Fusco couldn't believe what her cousin was saying. Her cousin's husband is a Naval officer with a new duty station in Italy. When the movers delivered their belongings to their new quarters they smelled a terrible odor. Finally, after opening several boxes they found the source of…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 5 views
INCLUSION If the Calgary Health Region enacts proposed new policy guidelines, the Bible could become contraband in hospitals in that city. The new policy, though still under review, proposes removing Bibles placed by the Gideons International from all rooms and banning distribution and display of any…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 21 views
Let the Walls Come Down On August 15, 1999, I felt a sense of history as I participated in worshiping our Lord with the members of New Hope Baptist Church in Lake Village, Arkansas. In 1850, racial tension ripped apart Baptists at the Mason-Dixon line. Southern Baptist believed missionaries could own…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
TOLERANCE In an attempt to show tolerance and celebrate multiculturalism, Stanford University designed its curriculum, hired its faculty and set its policies for students around the theme of political correctness. The result was an abysmal failure. Two Stanford graduates, David Sacks and Peter Thiel…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 10 views
PREJUDICE In the fictional Star Trek universe, the relationship between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire paralleled the real world relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union during the cold war era. Fear, lack of trust, and hate characterized the association. In…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 33 views
MULTI/RACISM In his book, An Unstoppable Force, Erwin McManus writes, “Jesus came and destroyed the dividing wall that not only separated man from God but also Jew from Gentile. God is about destroying walls that divide. The church will gain traction in the multicultural environment when she begins to…