(4 results)

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 13 views
A customer, who happened to overhear a conversation, left behind an big surprise for an eighteen-year-old waitress. Alesha Palmer was serving a couple near the man and told them about her plans to go to college. She saw the man get up and talk with the manager, so after he left she asked if there was…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 20 views
A Knoxville, Tennessee server received an unexpectedly large tip and it came at just the right time. Khadijah Muhammad works at the restaurant and gives her time serving homemade pies, muffins, and soup to homeless people in her area. Her mother had been sick, and Muhammad had taken a lot of time off…

Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 10 views
After the Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Houston Texans in 2013, Coach Andy Reid told players to celebrate but to do it wisely. After the game Chief’s defensive player Tambia Hali took 15 friends to a local restaurant for a huge all-you-can eat-meal. The bill totaled $1,800 and the restaurant automatically…
Illustration • • 9 views
Apparently 'Keep the Change' Can Change Your Life HUTCHINSON, Kan. (AP) — Two weeks ago, one of Cindy Kienow's regular customers left her a $100 tip on a tab that wasn't even half that. This week, he added a couple of zeros. Kienow, a bartender at Applebee's, got a $10,000 tip from the man — for a $26…