(7 results)
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 20 views
A Florida man recently took a picture that has a lot of people in the Tampa Bay area talking. Oscar Hendrix was taking pictures of rainbows while driving near Lake Okeechobee. Though Hendrix is not a professional photographer, he says the [picture stunned him. It shows a white cloud against a darkened…
Rev. Gregory S. Byrd • Illustration • • 270 views
Living above the Line A Celebration of our Union with Christ Rev Greg Byrd Faith Temple Baptist Church Poetry Texas Living Above the Line Introduction Introduction Colossians 1:27 says Christ in you, the hope of Glory. In fact Christ in us is our only hope of eternal Glory, The union of the believer…
Rev. Gregory S. Byrd • Illustration • • 543 views
Union with Christ What does it mean to be “in Christ” or “united with Christ”? EXPLANATION AND SCRIPTURAL BASIS1 The subject is so frequently mentioned in Scripture and so wide-ranging in its application to our lives that it deserves treatment here. That is the concept of union with Christ. As we shall…
Leigh Johnson • Illustration • • 130 views
I. Introduction When God created the universe and all within it, God looked and saw that it was good. At some point, however, evil entered the world and corrupted it. People may have different understandings of how this happened, but I don’t think anyone would argue that the world as we know it is the…
Steve Bramham • Illustration • • 951 views
A Christian Guide to Passover (PESCH) Below is a compilation of several contemporary Seder services that are used today. Because of the passage of time and that Passover was intended to be a family tradition, it is not possible to reconstruct with certainty the type of Passover meal or celebration that…
Ralph K. Hooker • Illustration • • 31 views
Well over three hundred verses are concerned with the subject of Jesus' resurrection in the New Testament. We are told that this event is a sign for unbelievers (Matthew 12:38-40); cf. John 20:24-29) as well as the answer for the believer's doubt (Luke 24:38-43). It serves as the guarantee that Jesus'…
Kevin Owsley • Illustration • • 12 views
YES to Shame and Glory Mary is a model of openness to the power of God. Luci Shaw At Christmas, most Protestants are tolerant enough to allow Mary limited access onto our greeting cards and into our creches and carols. But the rest of the year she is a victim of simple neglect. In bending over backwards…