(16 results)

Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 52 views
The Moravian missionaries to Greenland thought they should first instruct the Greenlanders in the doctrine of the Trinity. So they preached away to them of the Godhead, but the Greenlanders did not care about it. One of them, while interpreting the third chapter of John, came across that blessed passage,…

Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 136 views
I have sometimes thought of the contrast between the poor man’s funeral and the rich man’s funeral. When the poor man dies, his sons and daughters weep with real distress, for the death of the father brings sadness and sympathy into that house. The poor man is to be buried, but it can only be managed…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
Crucifixion was a terrible way to die. In fact, Romans almost never described this ultimate penalty. There are four detailed accounts of crucifixion that have survived until today. They all describe the same execution—that of “a Jew by the name of Jesus … resurrected into a new and glorious form. … By…

Dustan Ingenthron • Branson Bible Church • Illustration • • 95 views • 36:32
# Philippians 3:17–21 ## Opening So far in this chapter Paul has warned against the Judaizers, and any who would place their confidence in who they are, or what they have done and not the finished work of Christ alone. By way of rebuking this idea, Paul gives his own longs list of “fleshly” qualifications…
Illustration • • 7 views
The feebleness of the churches is being criticized to-day, and the criticism is justified. One reason for the feebleness is that there has not been this concentration of spiritual energy; we have not brooded enough on the tragedy of Calvary or on the meaning of Redemption. Chambers, O. (1993, c1935).…
Rich DeRuiter • Illustration • • 7 views
There is a story of a beggar who was sitting across the street from an artist's studio. The artist saw him and thought he would make an interesting portrait study so from a distance he painted the defeated man whose shoulders drooped, and whose eyes were downcast and sad. When he was finished, he took…
Illustration • • 661 views
A Aaron, ' = "light bringer" Aharown {a-har-one'} 1) brother of Moses, a Levite and the first high priest Aaron Aaron {ah-ar-ohn'}= "light-bringer" 1) the brother of Moses, the first high priest of Israel and head of the whole priestly order ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Jim Vance • Illustration • • 123 views
FINAL WORDS. Christ's Farewell to Those He Loved Part One Calming Troubled Hearts Don't you wish you could turn anxiety on and off like a faucet? Wouldn't it be great if you could worry from 9:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. and then shut it down so that you could get a good night's rest? Unfortunately, we cannot…
Illustration • • 340 views
John MacArthur Basisinformationen zur Bibel Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung Postfach 11 01 35 • 33661 Bielefeld Wenn nicht anders angegeben, sind die Bibelzitate der Schlachter 2000 entnommen. Abkürzungen weiterer Bibelausgaben: Elb.: Elberfelder Bibel, unrevidierte Fassung Lu 12: Lutherbibel von 1912…
Darrel Schiel • Illustration • • 149 views
Defining The Church I. Defining The Church Louis Berkoff - “The Church consists of those who are partakers of Christ and of the blessings of salvation that are in Him.” Wayne Grudem - “The church is the community of all true believers for all time.” A. Key Biblical Words 1. Hebrew - qahal - a gathering…
Jerrie W. Barber • Illustration • • 4 views
Galatians 6 is a good chapter to study in connection with this point. There Paul asserts that “each one shall bear his own load” (v.5). The Greek word for “load” means knapsack, or what we carry daily on our journey through life. It is the same “burden” that Jesus spoke of when He said, “My yoke is easy,…
Rev. Gregory S. Byrd • Illustration • • 271 views
Living above the Line A Celebration of our Union with Christ Rev Greg Byrd Faith Temple Baptist Church Poetry Texas Living Above the Line Introduction Introduction Colossians 1:27 says Christ in you, the hope of Glory. In fact Christ in us is our only hope of eternal Glory, The union of the believer…
Rev. Gregory S. Byrd • Illustration • • 544 views
Union with Christ What does it mean to be “in Christ” or “united with Christ”? EXPLANATION AND SCRIPTURAL BASIS1 The subject is so frequently mentioned in Scripture and so wide-ranging in its application to our lives that it deserves treatment here. That is the concept of union with Christ. As we shall…
ANDREW HODGE • Illustration • • 48 views
Assignment Andrew Hodge 7th June 2005 The hermeneutic of Galatians 2:20 Focusing on Paul’s public rebuke of Peter, in defence of the Gospel. Presented, abridged, to the Adult Bible Class, Grace Gospel Community Church Sunday 5th June 2005 Context The Bible It is no longer sufficient to say “I believe…
Leigh Johnson • Illustration • • 131 views
I. Introduction When God created the universe and all within it, God looked and saw that it was good. At some point, however, evil entered the world and corrupted it. People may have different understandings of how this happened, but I don’t think anyone would argue that the world as we know it is the…
Steve Bramham • Illustration • • 955 views
A Christian Guide to Passover (PESCH) Below is a compilation of several contemporary Seder services that are used today. Because of the passage of time and that Passover was intended to be a family tradition, it is not possible to reconstruct with certainty the type of Passover meal or celebration that…