(3 results)
Biblical Womanhood
The Slade Church • Illustration • • 50 views • 22:06
A series exploring what the Bible teaches about marriage, singleness, motherhood, the workplace, church ministry, sexual purity, true beauty and relationships.
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 17 views
Scientists studying the sense of smell have concluded that the nose can discern far more than the 10,000 different odors long thought to be the limit. Researchers with the laboratory of Neurogenetics and Behavior at Rockefeller University in New York say their work has led them to conclude that differentiate…
Robert Long • Illustration • • 3,091 views
Chapter 5 4990 B.C. The Flood–1877 B.C. Joseph 148 Six thousand years had passed since the year of creation. Mankind had slowly multiplied on the earth. Because man had been created with a perfect body, he began with no inherent birth defects. Therefore, the Bible discloses that during this period of…