(37 results)
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 408 views
It is said to have been the distinguishing mark of Caesar as a soldier that he never said to his followers “Go!” but he always said “Come!” Of Alexander, also, it was noted that in weary marches he was sure to be on foot with his warriors, and in fierce attacks he always was in the vanguard. The most…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 12 views
Michael Freiman was a first-trimester abortionist. He was learning to be a second-trimester abortionist by observing one. “Suddenly a small arm with a hand on it dropped into the surgical pan. . . He felt momentarily short of air, as though someone had punched him hard in the stomach. . .. What was wrong…
Pastor Jon • First United Methodist Church -- Rockville, Indiana • Illustration • • 18 views
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 11 views
Jon Peters holds the high school record for consecutive wins as a pitcher. He set the record in 1989 with his 51st consecutive win. After arm injuries in college ended his dream of a Major League Baseball career, his life began a downward spiral of broken relationships, alcoholism, and depression. After…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
Desmond Amofah, also known as Etika, was a star on YouTube. The subject of his final video was suicide. Talking about social media he said, “It can give you an image of what you want your life to be and get blown completely out of proportion. It consumed me.” Soon thereafter police found his body in…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 8 views
Writing in the New York Post, Michael Barone explains, “Pro-choicers, who are largely secular, think their ‘personal autonomy’ is at stake, whereas prolifers, who are mostly religious, believe abortion amounts to ‘extinguishing human lives.’”…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 4 views
Victor Pratt invited his Arizona neighbors over for a barbecue. A rattlesnake invaded the cookout when it came slithering through the grass. Pratt decided to show his guests how to cook and eat a rattler. Catching it, he was posing for pictures when the snake escaped his grasp and bit him. The guests…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 37 views
A voice-over actor sang "Let it Go,” a popular song from the Disney animated movie Frozen, using various Disney characters. The video reached over 2.5 million views and generated many positive feedbacks. Many of the viewers guessed which of their favorite Disney characters sang parts of the song, from…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
The Parsis are a group of people practicing the Zoroastrian religion living within today's India whose attitude toward life is succinctly expressed by one woman when she said, "There's no life without money . . . nothing at all for the poor"! There is an abiding ache within the soul of most people for…
Illustration • • 18 views
Angela Boneva is living in limbo. For years she, and the U.S. government, thought the Bulgarian-born 34-year-old was an American citizen. But, when she went to renew her passport in 2003, the State Department reportedly told her something terribly different. Boneva's father was born in Indiana, and the…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 8 views
Carl Frederickson is a man looking for adventure in life. When Carl was young, his imagination was sparked by a great adventurer whose motto was, “Adventure is Out There.” When Carl met his wife, Ellie, they dreamed of great adventure together. Their greatest dream was to travel to South America and…
Illustration • • 9 views
A surprising number of teenagers — nearly 15 percent — think they're going to die young, leading many to drug use, suicide attempts and other unsafe behavior, new research suggests. The study, based on a survey of more than 20,000 kids, challenges conventional wisdom that says teens engage in risky behavior…
Illustration • • 15 views
George McGovern flew B-24 bombers in Africa, Italy and Germany during World War II. He had a successful and celebrated military career. His bravery and leadership, along with many others like him, led to victory in Europe securing our freedom that we celebrate today. Stephen Ambrose in The Wild Blue…
Mike Lester • Illustration • • 16 views
Many men would love to lead the life of Sean Connery. Tall, handsome, and dashing, Connery played the glamorous part of 007 in six James Bond movies. Connery travels the world to shoot movies in places as exotic as equatorial Africa or the Orient. In addition to acting, Connery works as the executive…
Rich DeRuiter • Illustration • • 22 views
The following story comes from Julie Helms in Christian Reader, Lite Fare: My husband and I, with our two daughters, operate a small sheep farm. One day a non-farming friend asked, "How can you bear to slaughter those cute little lambs?" My husband explained, "We don't want to get emotionally attached…
Harry Swayne • Illustration • • 17 views
Remember the Duck Sins power is like the story of the boy who was shooting rocks with a slingshot. He could never hit his target. He was in his Grandma’s backyard one day, & spied her pet duck. On impulse he took aim and let fly. Amazingly the stone hit, and the duck was dead. “The boy panicked and hid…
Harry Swayne • Illustration • • 33 views
Sins power is like the story of the boy who was shooting rocks with a slingshot. He could never hit his target. He was in his Grandma’s backyard one day, & spied her pet duck. On impulse he took aim and let fly. Amazingly the stone hit, and the duck was dead. The boy panicked and hid the bird under some…
Rich DeRuiter • Illustration • • 24 views
George Adam Smith, the 19th century biblical scholar tells of traveling one day in the holy land and coming across a shepherd and his sheep. He fell into conversation with him and the man showed him the fold into which the sheep were led at night. It consisted of four walls, with a way in. Smith asked…
Chad Oltman • Illustration • • 33 views
For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light. (Psalm 36:9) There is something very special about the gentle radiance of the dancing Hanukkah lights. Even as we gaze at the flickering flames knowing that the candles will burn down each night, we also know that they will be relit…
Dr. Paul R. Carter • Illustration • • 18 views
Living in Rhythm This devotional was written by Mike DeVires The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. —John 10:10 Not long ago, a debate raged at our house. Who would win the current season of Dancing with the Stars? Was it going…
Illustration • • 3 views
Certainly we cannot reasonably hope to do his deeds without adopting his form of life. And we cannot adopt his form of life without engaging in his disciplines - maybe even more than he did and surely adding others demanded by our much more troubled condition. Source: Willard, Dallas; The Spirit of the…
Bible Study
Andrew Norvelle • Illustration • • 44 views
1 - Ephesus (2181 - Ephesos = “permitted”) Revelation 2:1-7 Passover - (Ex 12:11) - Yahweh Yira (יֵרָאֶה יְהוָה) – ‘The LORD provides’ - (Gn. 22: 8) - Spirit of the Lord - (Is 11:2) - Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. - (Mt5:3) - “Father, forgive them; for they do not…
James H. Schafer • Illustration • • 1,834 views
John Newton CHOICE EXCERPTS I am not what I once was! In his old age, when he could no longer see to read, John Newton heard someone recite this text, "By the grace of God—I am what I am." He remained silent a short time and then, as if speaking to himself, he said: "I am not what I ought to be—ah, how…
Benjamin Kurz • Illustration • • 3,936 views
1. Feeding on the Word -- DAILY Nutrition A healthy baby has a healthy appetite. If you have truly been "born" of the Spirit of God, you will have a healthy appetite. The Bible says, "As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby," (1 Peter 2:2). Feed yourself every day…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
TOTAL SURRENDER Kelly Williams faced a hard question when he was launching a new church start in Colorado Springs, Colorado. During the initial stages, the attendance fluctuated, but never got over a handful. One night, nobody showed up and Kelly faced the fact that he might not be cut out for church…