(6 results)

Women’s Fall Kickoff
Hillary Hale • Illustration • • 21 views • unknown
Saturday Morning Session
Illustration • • 63 views
Are Jesus and Muhammad Buddies? SUBMITTED BY Rebecca Giselbrecht MR550 Class Dr. Robin Basselin December 8, 2006 Table of Content Introduction. 3 The Divinity of Christ 4 Quranic Point of View.. 4 Biblical Point of View.. 4 Bridges. 5 The Death, Resurrection, and Atonement of Christ 5 Quranic Point of…
SteveF • Illustration • • 28 views
How would you describe something that no one has ever before seen? As most of you are aware, Antarctica has icebergs. If we had no television satellites, how would you describe an iceberg to an individual who had lived for his or her entire life, in say, the Caribbean? What examples would you use? "Well,…
Ralph Andrus • Illustration • • 111,150 views
100 Names of Jesus. Advocate (1 John 2:1) Almighty (Rev. 1:8; Mt. 28:18) Alpha and Omega (Rev. 1:8; 22:13) Amen (Rev. 3:14) Apostle of our Profession (Heb. 3:1) Atoning Sacrifice for our Sins (1 John 2:2) Author of Life (Acts 3:15) Author and Perfecter of our Faith (Heb. 12:2) Author of Salvation (Heb.…
Jerrie W. Barber • Illustration • • 7 views
Under the Old Covenant, the Levites were distinguished by God from the rest of the people and set apart with special privileges of drawing near to Him in worship (Num. 8:14-16, 16:8-9; Deut. 8:10). It was based upon this distinction that they were later used for singing and the playing of musical instruments…
Kevin Owsley • Illustration • • 16 views
Can My Vote Be Biblical? Jesus Christ is Lord. That confession is centra! to Christian faith. As Christians we deny our faith whenever we fail to acknowledge Jesus as Lord in every area of our lives - personal, social, religious, economic, political. But how can Christ be Lord of our politics? That is…