(3 results)
Bible Study
Andrew Norvelle • Illustration • • 45 views
1 - Ephesus (2181 - Ephesos = “permitted”) Revelation 2:1-7 Passover - (Ex 12:11) - Yahweh Yira (יֵרָאֶה יְהוָה) – ‘The LORD provides’ - (Gn. 22: 8) - Spirit of the Lord - (Is 11:2) - Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. - (Mt5:3) - “Father, forgive them; for they do not…
Stephen Hustedde • Illustration • • 207 views
We come to Christ and yet we still sin. God loves us as we are, but His desire is to make us more like Jesus. Sin is like th cobwebs in the corners of our homes. By watchfulness we can keep the corners clean, but the webs keep showing up. The best way to deal with the cobwebs is to kill the spiders.…
Illustration • • 41 views
Scripture Prayers Concerning Revival The following are Scripture prayers that you can use to plead with God for revival. These requests are based on the Word of God and are the revealed will of God for the church. Plead these Scripture prayers with confidence and persistence. As always, begin by praying…