(19 results)
Dan Hendley • North Park Church • Illustration • • 27 views • unknown
Dan Hendley • North Park Church • Illustration • • 33 views • 36:33
Rev. Michael K Boateng • Illustration • • 28 views
There is therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus , who walk not after the flesh , but after the Spirit
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
A herd of 16 cows helped Florida police capture a suspect who jumped out of crashed car and tried to escape. A sheriff’s helicopter captured the incident on video and the crew guided officers on the ground. At one point, a member of the helicopter crew told officers on the ground, “If you see a large…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
When researchers visited a tiny, uninhabited island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, they were amazed at the amount of trash that had washed up on the beach. The researchers said they found an estimated 38 million pieces of trash on Henderson Island. Almost all of the trash was plastic, consisting…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 17 views
One of the most devoted fan bases in consumer culture history are Nintendo fans. They have anxiously received every piece of hardware and software the gaming company creates. Every five years or so, Nintendo releases a new gaming system This time, the hotly anticipated game system codenamed “Project…
Illustration • • 8 views
Environmentalism should be regarded on the same level with religion "as the only compelling, value-based narrative available to humanity," according to a paper written two years ago to influence the future strategy of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the world's would-be environmental…
Illustration • • 19 views
(AP) DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. - On a chilly Easter night, two days after his son and four of his fellow soldiers were killed in Iraq, David Pautsch watched their remains arrive on a jumbo jet during a somber, half-hour ceremony. "You see these five caskets, flag-draped, it's sobering beyond belief,"…
Illustration • • 9 views
As the Coast Guard ended its search for three missing football players whose boat tipped over in high Florida seas, the lone survivor said two of those lost gave up after hours in the frigid water and the third tried to swim to safety. South Florida player Nick Schuyler told investigators that all four…
Illustration • • 9 views
"Bat Man" or "Bat Guy" or "Bat Boy" — that's what they called him. Ask the most hard-core baseball fan about John C. Odom and most likely you'll get a blank stare. Yet millions of people have heard of the slender right-hander. He was the minor league player traded for 10 maple bats. It became a big joke…
Illustration • • 1 view
The Coast Guard called off its search for three missing football players at sunset Tuesday. The news came after crews combed choppy waters off the Florida Gulf Coast for a third full day since NFL players Marquis Cooper and Corey Smith and friend William Bleakley disappeared. Their fishing boat capsized…
Mike Lester • Illustration • • 15 views
A good conqueror is always ready for an attack. History books are filled with stories of empires, kingdoms, kings, and queens. It seems as if empire after empire rose to power, ruled for years, then was conquered by another empire. This cycle is even seen around the birth of Christ which was during the…
Illustration • • 15 views
Archbishop Bishop Desomd Tutu has always said it like this: "I am simpky living out the victory God has already won."
Bruce Meyer • Illustration • • 10 views
"Suffering is equally necessary for us because it strips away the pretense that life is reasonable and good, a pretense that keeps us looking in all the wrong places for the satisfaction of our souls." Source: Dan Allender, The Wounded Heart, p. 196.
Tim Campbell • Illustration • • 18,076 views
Throughout history the Old and New Testaments have shown themselves to be reliable and true; they rise up to outlive their pallbearers, if you will. The following story probably stirs my own confidence in the power of God's Word and His sovereignty more than any other. Let me share part of it with you…
Ralph Andrus • Illustration • • 82 views
Ursula Hashem • Illustration • • 16 views
Folklore advises, "Let your conscience be your guide." This has serious limitations since our conscience is a function of our mind. Having been conformed to this world, the conscience can be programmed wrongly. It is always true to its own standard. Until we come to Christ, the standard is the world…
Leigh Johnson • Illustration • • 129 views
I. Introduction When God created the universe and all within it, God looked and saw that it was good. At some point, however, evil entered the world and corrupted it. People may have different understandings of how this happened, but I don’t think anyone would argue that the world as we know it is the…
Steve Bramham • Illustration • • 950 views
A Christian Guide to Passover (PESCH) Below is a compilation of several contemporary Seder services that are used today. Because of the passage of time and that Passover was intended to be a family tradition, it is not possible to reconstruct with certainty the type of Passover meal or celebration that…