(4 results)
Margie Burgess • Marion Vineyard Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 25 views • 33:21
Wilbert C. Harrison • FBCHM • Sermon • • 9 views • 40:01
There was an article or short news story about the physiology of children and part of that story focused on playground behavior at a school with a very large open field for the children to play in. The kids would play close to the school building though never being told how far they could or could not go. One year a chain link fence was erected around the property. Then the children would run and play all the way to the fence line, again, without being told how far they could go. Though bound by a chain link fence, they had the freedom to do whatever they wanted within those bounds and felt freer for it. I hope you read this before hearing this message.
We can change the world! Pt. 4
Pastor David Kelley • Hill City Church • Sermon • • 131 views • 46:11
We can change the world! Pt. 4
John 16:33
Fearless service - Actively looking for where God is working, pushing through obstacles and astonishing people with the love of Jesus.
If you want to astonish people with the love of Jesus, than you must love one another instead of criticize. Use love instead of criticism
• in order to be able to do this we must be more like Jesus
- Mark 10:45
(Be a fearless servant!)
1 John 4:18
2 Timothy 1:7
Fear is what cuts us from becoming fearless servants
😱Fear manifest itself in excuses😱
Unshakeable focus on the future - Making significant and sacrificial investments in the earthly kingdom of Christ, ALL with unwavering hope.
You are never without hope!
Hope - confident expectancy
Keys to have an unshakeable focus on the future
- 1. Start with a servant's heart
- 2. Realize and know that you are made from the blood of the King (1 Corinthians 6:20)
- 3. Remember that you're a child of God
- 4. You're never without hope
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 19 views • 51:11
What differentiates human fear from godly fear?