(6 results)
Matthew L Ellis • MHAFB Protestant Community • Sermon • • 1,027 views • 44:01
Regularly remembering God leads us to become a more faithful and growing people of God.
Caleb Young • Sermon • • 91 views
Remembering who God is in our lives and what He has done, can encourage us to persevere to obey and trust in God's word.
Strong and Courageous
Philip Swinburn • Sermon • • 409 views
What do you think is greatest cause of Christian giving up in Christian walk, either ceasing to grow or falling away? Number of things might thought of. But I wonder if one of greatest dangers is thing our passage address today - forgetfulness “The greatest enemy of faith is forgetfulness” We forget…
Third sermon on the book of Joshua.
Jose Torres • Sermon • • 14 views
The memorials that where erected by are forfathers are a antitype of us.
Wayne VanHorn • Sermon • • 12 views
As God's People Move Forward, they must Look Back