(74 results)

Matthew: Christ The Promised King
Matthew Round • Hope City Church Edinburgh • Sermon • • 16 views • 29:55
Jesus warns us to watch out for false prophets (or guides) - and teaches us how to spot them: by looking for the fruit of a transformed heart in their lives

Jedidiah Cary • Paw Paw Bible Church • Sermon • • 8 views • 27:14
Have you ever wondered if justice will ever prevail? Like me, do you find yourself lamenting because wickedness and injustice prospers? I have good news! It will not always be so. We can rejoice in God’s judgement. Revelation 18:1-3 . 1 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great…

Rejoicing Through Revelation
C. Jason Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 295 views • 52:36
The Seventh Trumpet signals the sovereignty of our Lord, enraptures us in the elders' worship of the Almighty, and encourages us with the presence of our prayer-answering God!

Rejoicing Through Revelation
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 170 views • 1:04:54
Be on guard; God WILL have the final say; FLEE FROM THE WRATH TO COME!

Blake Olin • Valley Community Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 38:16
Hebrews 1:1-3

Blake Olin • Valley Community Church • Sermon • • 4 views • 38:16
Hebrews 1:1-3

Gifts of the Spirit
Pastor Ryan Duck • Abundant Life Community Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 50:27

Gifts of the Spirit
Pastor Ryan Duck • Abundant Life Community Church • Sermon • • 25 views • 58:57

Identity in Christ
Pastor Ryan Duck • Abundant Life Community Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 47:36
Kevin Kissinger • Sermon • • 3 views
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Chris Hohnholz • Sermon • • 2 views
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Begins His Ministry
Paul Kurtz • Sermon • • 6 views
Introduction Examples of of O.T. Prophets The prophets Jesus refers to demonstrate power to provide and heal. The demonstrate that God does not only bless his chosen people. Isaiah 61:1–2 (ESV) The Year of the Lord’s Favor 61 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to…
Thomas Koski • Sermon • • 7 views
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Nathan Bingaman • Sermon • • 5 views
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Andrews N.O Thompson • Sermon • • 6 views
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Lee Cogger • Sermon • • 4 views
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
God Protects His Word
Joseph Carty • Sermon • • 4 views
The Bible repeatedly warns of false prophets in the last days. Does this mean that there is no such thing as a true modern-day prophet? If there are true prophets in the modern age, how could we tell them apart from false prophets? What is the role of a prophet in these days if we already have the bible?
Jermaine Bishop • Sermon • • 7 views
Astonishment and surprise are frequent responses to the actions and words of God and Jesus Christ.
1 john 4
Louella Conway • Sermon • • 3 views
Beloved was a common word that John used. first word he says is a verb. Believe not every spirit. Our job as believers is to be diligent and good students of the wordTesting and Knowing God after Jesus died. The church had grown and was growing Acts 2 :40 which was probably around 53 to 70 Ad 3000 were…
David Taylor • Sermon • • 5 views
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Peter Han • Sermon • • 5 views
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Launches His Ministry
Chris Hohnholz • Sermon • • 4 views
Introduction Examples of OT Prophets The prophets Jesus refers to demonstrate power to provide and heal. The demonstrate that God does not only bless His chosen people. Key Points Jesus Stands in the Line of the Prophet Isaiah The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to…
Benjamin Hurst • Sermon • • 1 view
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Cody Bass • Sermon • • 2 views
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Alan McBride • Sermon • • 1 view
The coming of a figure chosen and anointed by God to deliver and redeem his people. Anointing was seen as a sign of being chosen by God for a special task of leadership or responsibility. The OT looked ahead to the final coming of such a figure to usher in a new era in the history of the people of God; the NT sees this expectation fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.