
(86 results)
The Attitude of Superiority
The Attitude of Superiority
Sunday Nights in the Word
Jeff Hopson  •  Fellowship Baptist Church  •  Sermon  •    •  105 views  •  57:59
4-10-22 Palm Sunday
4-10-22 Palm Sunday
Kasey Campbell  •  Peoria Foursquare  •  Sermon  •    •  19 views  •  33:22
Gehazi's Focus
Gehazi's Focus
Floyd Martens  •  Family Worship Centre  •  Sermon  •    •  11 views  •  28:27
27 January 2019 AM - Philippians 2:5-11
27 January 2019 AM - Philippians 2:5-11
Song Series
Bernard Kruik  •  Gateway Presbyterian Church  •  Sermon  •    •  15 views  •  24:04
Sunday Service
Sunday Service
Floyd Martens  •  Family Worship Centre  •  Sermon  •    •  26 views  •  29:53
Sunday, March 1 2020 - Prayer part 3
Sunday, March 1 2020 - Prayer part 3
Ask, Seek, Knock
Kenneth Clapp  •  Stockdale Church of Christ  •  Sermon  •    •  29 views  •  32:32
Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude
Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude
Sunday Service
Pastor Dan Miller  •  Gregory Community Church  •  Sermon  •    •  8 views  •  33:35
So many hassles!
So many hassles!
Chirstmas Story
Dan Taylor  •  Hope Baptist Church  •  Sermon  •    •  16 views  •  36:40
Power Walking
01-16-22 Your Eye is a Lamp
01-16-22 Your Eye is a Lamp
LL Clay  •  NorthPointe Church of God - Nacogdoches, TX  •  Sermon  •    •  18 views  •  21:49
The Benefits of Adversity
The Benefits of Adversity
No Series
Darwin Vail  •  Community of Grace  •  Sermon  •    •  28 views  •  39:17
Proper Perspective
Proper Perspective
Joel Stiff  •  Lighthouse Baptist Church  •  Sermon  •    •  9 views  •  1:07:03
Christ in You, the Hope of Glory!
Christ in You, the Hope of Glory!
Fullness In Christ
Dan Taylor  •  Hope Baptist Church  •  Sermon  •    •  15 views  •  35:23
18.04.2021  1 Corinthians 2:6-3:4
18.04.2021 1 Corinthians 2:6-3:4
1 Corinthians Series
Sam Yip  •  St Thomas Enfield Church  •  Sermon  •    •  33 views  •  31:07
John Smith  •  Abyssinian Christian Church  •  Sermon  •    •  19 views  •  31:27
Pillars of Christian Character
Pastor George Coon  •  ELBC  •  Sermon  •    •  26 views  •  38:27
The Distinguishing Qualities of a True Believer
The Distinguishing Qualities of a True Believer
Book of Philippians
Pastor George Coon  •  ELBC  •  Sermon  •    •  40 views  •  37:15
The Attitude That Leads To Radical Joy
The Attitude That Leads To Radical Joy
Ordinary People: Radical joy
Tony Ens  •  Mountainview Church Whitehorse  •  Sermon  •    •  100 views  •  37:07
God's Power Part 3
God's Power Part 3
Pastor George Coon  •  ELBC  •  Sermon  •    •  16 views  •  36:48
God's Peace Part 3
God's Peace Part 3
Pastor George Coon  •  ELBC  •  Sermon  •    •  17 views  •  37:40
Relationships vs Works
Relationships vs Works
Book of Philippians
Pastor George Coon  •  ELBC  •  Sermon  •    •  17 views  •  30:56
The Serious Work of Being a Christian
The Serious Work of Being a Christian
Book of Philippians
Pastor George Coon  •  ELBC  •  Sermon  •    •  26 views  •  40:13
Living Trustfully
Living Trustfully
Kendal Rasnake  •  Church of Christ Green Bay  •  Sermon  •    •  38 views  •  27:40
Making Gratitude Our Attitude
Making Gratitude Our Attitude
David Lay  •  BOLCN  •  Sermon  •    •  9 views  •  44:57
10/23/22 Ninteenth Sunday after Pentecost
10/23/22 Ninteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Having a Proper Attitude Towards God and People
Don Wight  •  Calvary Community Church  •  Sermon  •    •  5 views  •  1:13:58