(11 results)
Luke Acts Series
Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 10 views • 44:26
My prayer this morning is that you will figure out how to make some time with Jesus. Find a time and place and learn to get alone with the trinity. That is what we are going to talk about today is getting alone with Jesus. If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Luke. I am in chapter 7. We…
Encounters - Transformational Conversations with Jesus
Phil Anderson • Bethel Church of Tallmadge • Sermon • • 6 views • 42:58
Greatest Commandment to Great Commission: Is He Worth It?
Chris Heacock • Calvary Heights Baptist Church • Sermon • • 17 views • 42:00
Pastor Alex Jackson Sr. • Fresh Church • Sermon • • 50 views • 43:53
Pastor Alex preaches about Jesus' visit to Mary and Martha's house in Bethany. Pastor Alex highlighted how Martha, Lazarus and Mary responded during their last opportunity to worship Jesus. Pastor Alex brokedown how each one responded.
Martha - Served instead of Worshipped
Lazarus - Sat instead of Worshipped
Mary - Worshipped with all she had
Listen and be blessed!
백종빈 • Sermon • • 3 views
서론 샬롬. 반갑습니다. 오늘도 사랑부 예배에 나아오신 모든 성도님들과 선생님들을 예수님의 이름으로 환영하고 축복합니다. 우리 앞 뒤 옆 사람과 이렇게 인사해볼까요? “하나님이 당신을 보호하십니다.” 오늘 설교에 향유가 나오잖아요? 그래서 진짜 오랜만에 향수를 한번 뿌려봤습니다. 향 안 나죠? 우리는 언제 향수를 뿌리나요? 안 씻었을 때, 격식 있는 자리 갈 때, 마음에 드는 사람들 만나러 갈 때. 이스라엘 문화에선 향수보다 더 진한 향유를 많이 사용했는데, 이 향유를 언제 사용했느냐? 시체에 바를 때 썼어요. 마가복음 16:1 (NKRV)…
Andrés Sorbera • Sermon • • 1 view
Intro I dag var jeg i Misjonssalen på Løkkemyra og holde familieandakt på formiddagen. Der var det palmegreiner, drakter som barna ikke ville ha på seg, men så var det helgdigvis voksne som ville hjelpe til. Noen til og med fikk eselører og en unge som klatret opp på ryggens hans. Det var flott gjort…
William D Jones • Sermon • • 32 views
Mary's Gift of Sacrifice to anoint the King
Worship Songs
Chris Jackson • Sermon • • 41 views • 35:05
Chris Jackson Leads the Worship Team
Benjamin Ling/Crossroads Christian Church • Crossroads Christian Church • Sermon • • 32 views
The sinful woman was not saved by her act of worship, the alabaster jar of perfume, but by her faith.
Marlene Marshall • Remnant Church • Sermon • • 3 views • 49:18
Pastor Marlene examines the story of Mary who wept at Jesus' feet. Mary comes with a contrite heart, while those around her have a much more hardened heart. Our response to God's grace is indicative of our heart posture.
Preparing for Easter
Duane Parker • Laurel First Church of God • Sermon • • 19 views