(14 results)
Jesus is Greater
Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 49 views • 31:19
Today, we are continuing our series called Jesus is Greater. Does anyone know what an idol is? When we think of idols we think of small statues that people worship. The truth is an idol can be anything that people place above their relationship with God. 3 “You shall have no other gods before me. This…
Sunday Evening Messages
Daniel Pelichowski • First Baptist Church of Gallatin • Sermon • • 64 views • 32:21
Psalm 135:15-18 (evening worship)
Sermon Details: Identifying the negative influence of potential idols that can creep into our lives.
Sermon Points:
#1 Know what kinds of idols tempt you...
#2 Recognize when idols are influencing you...
#3 Flee from idols when you are being drawn to them...
Preacher: Daniel Pelichowski
"Come To The Lord's Table"
Michael Turner • Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church • Sermon • • 272 views • 40:51
Come To The Lord’s Table We are in our 2nd week of this 4 week sermon series called “Come To The Lord’s Table” based on the small group study book by Claude King with the same title. I felt compelled to preach this series as a means of preparation for communion - The Lord’s Supper - Coming to The Lord’s…
Light in the Lament
Josh Clink • Sermon • • 4 views
ME (A hook): Beloved, the Apostle Peter says to the church, I urge you as exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh. As exiles, he says. I don’t know about you, But theoretically, I know and understand that this means we are exiles. But how often do you truly feel like an exile? I think in some…
2022 Chronological Bible
Dan Newburg • First Baptist Church of Devine • Sermon • • 9 views
Engage I read this week of a 21 year old girl named Eliza who was living a vibrant and meaningful life as the director of an art gallery. She was completing a college education and had hope to one day get married and love her children as well as her parents had loved her. This bright future and gleaming…
1 Corintios
Boris Ivan Castro Hernandez • Sermon • • 38 views
1 Co 10:1 Porque no quiero, hermanos, que ignoréis que nuestros padres todos estuvieron bajo la nube, y todos pasaron el mar; 2 y todos en Moisés fueron bautizados en la nube y en el mar, 3 y todos comieron el mismo alimento espiritual, 4 y todos bebieron la misma bebida espiritual; porque bebían de…
Luke Kirkendall • Sermon • • 157 views
Who are you trying to please: Christ or Man?
1 Corinthians
David R. McAllan • Echuca Community Church • Sermon • • 30 views • 31:27
- In getting caught up in the world of politics, philosophies & ideologies, we can miss some valuable things T he Cross and the Wisdom of God Date: 7-04-19 827 Echuca - In getting caught up in the world of politics, philosophies & ideologies, we can miss some valuable things - My father, Don, mentioned…
Pastor C. H. Jr. • Sermon • • 5 views
Church is called to implement Biblical Church Discipline as we care for one another
"Come To The Lord's Table"
Michael Turner • Sermon • • 1,064 views
Sometimes in order to return to the first love of our heart, Jesus; we must remove some things from our heart, idols.
Nathan Sehi • Sermon • • 19 views
Last time, We asked the question - In our World – what do we perceive as the greatest threat to our happiness? We might be able to say many things, but in many ways it can be summed as threats to our fortune and threats to our life . - What is the first goal of at least 90% of high-school students? To…
Nathan Sehi • Sermon • • 23 views
An emphasis of the heart and a New Years reflection of our heart conditions.
Nathan Sehi • Sermon • • 19 views
INTRODUCTION: Spurgeon once said, “There is no University for a Christian like that of sorrow and trial.” As much as we all want to avoid suffering, and run to the showers of the blessings; One of our profound needs is to learn from suffering. One of our profound needs is to learn from suffering. There…
Beholding God to Behave Godly for God's Glory
Jeremy Menicucci • Sermon • • 13 views
This section of the series is intended to help us behave Godly for God's glory by watching how God proves His own deity and proves not only the lack of deity of idols but the lack of worth of the idols. God shows himself supremely valuable and worthy of glory as He proves He is the only one true living God and proves that He is the greatest good for all of us. The stricking problem happens in application where we are confronted with our own idols in comparison to God. Who is winning our affections and our attentions, God or our idols?