(4 results)
2 John
Steve Hereford • Eastport Baptist Church • Sermon • • 287 views • 1:06:57
Jesus said to beware of false prophets. John tells us why. They are deceivers. Join Pastor Steve as he looks at 2 John 7 and talks about why it is important to expose heresy.
2 John
David Palmer • Lower Three Runs Baptist Church • Sermon • • 7 views • 34:25
True believers have a Biblical duty regarding false teachers, and 2 John 7-13 detail four of those duties. Four duties of the believer regarding false teachers V.8: 1. We are to first look at ourselves. 2 John 8 a We should examine ourselves against the light of God’s Word, to be sure that our hearts,…
1 John
Richard Peskett • Nelspruit Bible Church • Sermon • • 22 views • 56:11
Antichrists resist Christ, in attacking both his person and work, and so seek to lead Christians astray from the true Gospel. This sermon outlines what Antichrists look like and how to withstand them, so that Christ followers are equipped against their attacks.
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 25 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Harry Emerson Fosdick has much thinking that is not acceptable to the evangelical Christian, but he also has many valuable insights that make his writings of real worth. One of his ideas is that a man should not be judged so much by the position he is in, as by the direction in…