(15 results)
Esther- A time such as this
James Rogers • Sermon • • 6 views • 42:36
God’s hand God is always at work, even when you may not see it. His hand works out things. This is even when you do not see Him name. His works testify of Him. Sarah gave birth when womb had been closed for years Joseph was used as a prisoner to save the people A virgin gives birth to our Messiah Through…
Witness to the world: Book of Acts
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 50 views • 45:42
Patterns/Examples There are patterns you can see in scriptures, some show sin, judgment, repentance, return to obedience, others examples for us to follow (i.e. salvation’s path; Jesus examples, etc.) Tonight we are looking at Paul’s mission team example, what procedures did he put in place, in what…
Jomo Thomas • Word of Truth Christian Fellowhship • Sermon • • 110 views • 56:13
Priority for the Believer Love (vs 9-11) The Fathers Love for the Son The Son’s Love For US Our Love for others Example of Love Jesus will lay down his life Selfless & Sacrificial Election/Choice/Adoption That our walk with God is total brought about by the work of Jesus Typically, students would pick…
Eliseo Rodriguez • Eusebian Arian Church • Sermon • • 12 views • 45:54
Verse by Verse Study of the Book of Acts
Anthony Castillo Miranda • Sermon • • 23 views
HOOK DO NOT FORGET TO UNMUTE It’s the 30th day of November— Monday!— Happy birthday to Ate Rubie Ancheta Last Thursday here at “The Message” we looked at the things that took place when Paul and Barnabas was in Lystra and Derbe— when they thought that Paul and Barnabas are gods in human form [Barnabas…
Exodus 18
Connor Alford • Sermon • • 44 views
Introduction Read Exodus 18:1-23. Our previous executive director of Mississippi Baptist Convention, Jim Futral, often said, “We have been called to the impossible task.” I believe he meant this verse for pastors. The calling is impossible. Thankfully, God does not allow us to go through ministry alone.…
Communion in Christ’s Love
Jeff Griffis • Branson Bible Church • Sermon • • 3 views
PRAY & INTRO: Picture yourself as a submersible pump. Think of us as having been made by God into living submersible pumps for living water, which is both our fuel and what we are supposed to be pumping. - Stay in the water to produce water. And you will know the joy and assurance of being used by God…
Hudson Hancock • Sermon • • 9 views
In our lives, we are tempted to put our hope in many different earthly kings, but your hope is only as secure as the King in whom you are trusting.
Setting Things Straight
Rodney Lake • Sermon • • 7 views
God brings order to the church by appointing quality leaders.
Burning Bushes and Burnouts
Chriss Sopke Sr. • Sermon • • 109 views
In Part 2, we learn what advice Jethro shared with Moses that helped to divert him away from the destructive landmine of burnout and how it applies to us today.
One Another
Vincent Ford • Sermon • • 38 views
Prepared for This When I went to Dr. Evans funeral they made a tribute video for him. This video was introspective, everything I knew about Dr. Evans it was even more of a view to who he was as the preacher, father and man. The one thing that stuck out to me more than anything else in that video was…
The Church
Rick Page • Sermon • • 18 views
It is normal, and quite understandable that most people read Romans 13:1-7 from their own historical perspective. Therfore, the fan of JFK reading this in 1962 would arrive at an entirely different understanding than the opponent of Nixon reading it in 1974. The latter reader may struggle the most with the implications, but would likely have more in common with Paul's original audience in Rome, for Nero was on the throne, and Paul was calling his audience to respect that Nero was only in power by God's sovereign will.
Series on Elijah and Elisha
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 1,915 views
Why did Elijah disobey God's command? Reasons we don't obey.
The Book of Acts
Aaron Roeck • Heritage Grace Church • Sermon • • 7 views • 34:42
Passage: Acts 6:1-7. On Thanksgiving Sunday, Aaron Roeck walks through Acts 6:1-7 as we see how the apostles establish more leaders to help the early church carry out their mission.