(9 results)
Fr. J. Michael Strachan, Ph.D. • St. Dunstan's Anglican Church • Sermon • • 278 views • 10:48
Today, I’m going to say something to you that isn’t true, or at least, it isn’t the whole truth. I’ll let you figure out which part isn’t the whole truth. One of the goals of an Ash Wednesday service is to remind of us our own mortality. The words that the celebrant speaks at the imposition of ashes…
Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 431 views • 1:11:57
In 2005 a man by the name of Edmond Knowles broke the record for the largest ever single cash-in of pennies. He deposited a stash of 1,308,459 pennies worth over $13,000. His collection weighed in at more than 4.5 tons. It took Mr. Knowles 38 years to build up such a storehouse of pennies. After his…
Mercury Thomas-Ha, PhD • KOGIE True Vision • Sermon • • 23 views • 1:27:05
In this series, Dr. Mercury Thomas-Ha navigates ON THE ROAD 2 EASTER and the significant implications and altercations. While some people just can't wait for another holiday, most people don't understand the celebration.
Mercury Thomas-Ha, PhD • KOGIE True Vision • Sermon • • 24 views • 42:06
In this series, Dr. Mercury Thomas-Ha navigates ON THE ROAD 2 EASTER and the significant implications and altercations. While some people just can't wait for another holiday, most people don't understand the preparation for celebration.
God at Work Behind the Scenes
Will Livingston • Sermon • • 5 views
God at Work Behind the Scenes: Message Six of Esther Series Esther 4:1-17 . ETS: The Jews responded to the news of their coming death. ESS: We should act on things we feel strongly about. OSS: [MO: Consecrative] { So: I want the hearers to respond to their death letter both for themselves and the rest…
Fr. Andrew Dalton, LC • Sermon • • 19 views
The Message: God will breathe his life into you. Homily The ashes that we use today are meant to remind us of these things. First, they remind us that we are sinners . Although we are children of God, at the same time we are still children of this fallen world . · Ashes are lifeless dust . Insofar as…
Dr. Anthony Berry • Sermon • • 9 views
The Experience of relief from oppression
Isaiah 61
Char Brodersen • Refuge Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 14 views • 46:29