(3 results)
Stand Alone Messages
Jeremy Fort • Valley Christian Church • Sermon • • 19 views • 43:43
One Bad Decision I have been watching and reading the uncovering of abuses across churches for the last two decades. I have not spoken about it until this point. It is a sensitive point for many, many people. Abuse of power through sex and trauma seem to be a plague in the church these days. Given the…
Spiritual Warfare
Patrick Mitchell • Sermon • • 10 views
Opening: It’s great to have you joining us online today... Thank you for logging on to connect with us this weekend… we love that you are able to do that. You can follow along with the message using your smart device or tablet and the You Version Bible app. Go to the live events feature and search using…
Latin Mass 2023
Rev. Brendan McGrath • Sermon • • 35 views
PRESENTATION: Temptation is Inevitable In the passage given to us in today’s Epistle, St. Paul concludes a lengthy passage warning the Corinthians against serving false gods. He gives numerous warnings from the history of Israel, perhaps not as easily recognized by those of us less familiar with his…