(17 results)
Nobody Liked Paul
Ken Richter • Soldier Creek Church of Christ • Sermon • • 5 views • 37:39
In the second installment of this series, we visit Paul in Athens in Acts 17. When they referred to Paul as a babbler, they were being very un-complimentary. We learn that if we dare to stick to the plain gospel, many will dislike us as much as they did Paul.
Love Your Neighbor, Love Your Neighborhood
Pastor Trei Watters • Rincon Baptist Church • Sermon • • 26 views • 39:11
Paul and Silas made their way to Thessalonica where the crowds were stirred up against them, so they moved on to Berea. Silas and Timothy remained there while Paul departed to Athens where he preached a message to them of the "unknown God".
Acts 17
Derek Slack • Sermon • • 88 views • 44:34
Today we are going to see and hear Paul respond to the request of the Athenians. Their request was this, tell us about these ideas that you keep speaking of. Or better yet we could say it this way, tell us if the gospel is going to disrupt our lives. Paul addresses their question with preaching, and persuading, and in turn they respond with mixed responses to one part of the gospel in particular.
Spread of the Gospel
Phil Devaney • Sermon • • 37 views
Please turn to Acts 17:16-18:22 as we consider The Achaia Mission . I’ve recently finished reading Charles Dickens’ classic novel The Tale of Two Cities . Sad to say, my reading (other than for the Bible) does not often include such classics of literature. Though our text has nothing to do with Dickens’…
Acts of the Apostles
Marc Transparenti • Sermon • • 7 views
Paul, Silas, and Timothy travel to Athens, Greece where they share Jesus with the philosophers and Athenians.
The Unseen Real
Christ Chapel • Sermon • • 2 views
How can we best start a faith conversation with someone who doesn't know Jesus? What would you say if you wanted to share the gospel with someone who does not believe? There are actually many answers because it depends on the situation and the person. This is why my advise always is to pray and build…
Daryl Parsons • Sermon • • 9 views
How Will You Respond To The Gospel? Evidently Paul worked at his trade while he was there Acts 18:3 ; and because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and they were working, for by trade they were tent-makers. 1 Thess. 2:9 ; For you recall, brethren, our labor and hardship, how working night…
Acts (To Be Continued...)
Richard Schwartz • Sermon • • 3 views
Paul’s Methods: We need to see, analyze and feel for the culture (he saw the idols—he was distressed!) We need a strong theology of cultural engagement we need to have grace and truth—invitation and challenge Please turn to Acts 17 .... Acts 17 beginning at vs. 16. Acts 17:16 . Whenever you and I think…
Jason Plumer • First Baptist Church Litchfield • Sermon • • 15 views
Hyde Park There is a public speaking square in London, england called Hyde Park. It has been an open-air public speaking forum since 1866. Over the years it has seen the likes of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and George Orwell use the squre to speak ontheir idealogies. A friend of mine in Seminary got the…
Acts of the Holy Spirit Through the Apostles
Jeff Griffis • Branson Bible Church • Sermon • • 1 view
PRAY & INTRO: The night sky… *** Remember that Paul’s spirit was provoked because of the idolatry in the city of Athens, and then after beginning to interact with and proclaim the gospel to Gentiles in the marketplace, some of the philosophers invited him to speak about this “new teaching” more among…
Acts 17
Derek Slack • Sermon • • 27 views
Today we will see that Paul was able to see through all of the majesty and folklore of the city. Paul confronted their monuments for what they were, broke down their intellect, challenged their thoughts on every level.
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 13 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease You and I live in an amazing age of automation where the machine is becoming master. A man wrote about his experience of putting money in a coffee machine, and as he watched the coffee begin to flow before the cup dropped down, and then from the other side the cream flowed in, and…
Toby L. Soechting • Sermon • • 6 views
…As Though He Needed Anything[i] INTRODUCTION: 1. Read Text: Acts 17:22-31 2. Areopagus pictures 3. Regarding text: (1) Paul is standing in Athens, the glory city of the Greeks. A. A city built in during the prime time of the Greek empire (461-429 BC). B. The buildings were as beautiful as they were…
James A. Basinger • Sermon • • 10 views
Acts 17:16-34 The Heart of the Sermon The Book of Acts recounts the spread of the church after the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. But it isn’t a history of the early church. It contains 42 ‘testimonies’ to the gospel. There are 10 sermons (précis’ really) There are 30 preaching summaries.…
James A. Basinger • Sermon • • 36 views
Paul at Athens Acts 17.16-34 – Part 1 April 29, 2007 Do we care about those who do not know the Lord? Are our hearts stirred when others blaspheme the name of Jesus? Or are you upset when on national radio, you hear that the bishop of New Hampshire is pressing to be married to his partner. Does that…
Dayton Kitterman • Sermon • • 12 views
Sunday Morning Sermon Series: Easter Sunday Title: “Its Reasonable” File: 20070408am. Key Passage: Acts 17:16-33 Location: FCC Date to be Preached: 4/8/07 Date Prepared: 4/5/07 Intro. About six hundred years before Jesus came to earth, the prophet Isaiah opened his book with a proposition. Some of God’s…