(3 results)
The Gospel According to Moses
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 42 views • 44:27
Being "privileged" is a really bad word in our culture. The notion is used as a bludgeon by members of one culture upon another. This is yet another weapon the enemy of the ONE human race has in his arsonal to divide us--and tragically he is doing a good job. But the people of God actually HAVE a privilege status. It is recounted in one of Moses' last messages he gave to the sons and daughters of Israel. What does privilege mean? What does it mean to "claim the privilege"? Come with the Grace United crew where, as people of God understand and learn how to apply our privilege.
Admonitions for the Last Days
Joseph Carty • Sermon • • 13 views
Sexual Sin Destroyed God's People and Yesteryear and it does so today as well.
Latin Mass 2023
Rev. Brendan McGrath • Sermon • • 35 views
PRESENTATION: Temptation is Inevitable In the passage given to us in today’s Epistle, St. Paul concludes a lengthy passage warning the Corinthians against serving false gods. He gives numerous warnings from the history of Israel, perhaps not as easily recognized by those of us less familiar with his…