(10 results)
Rev. Derek Geldart • McKees Mills Baptist Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 24:06
Please watch this sermon to find out seven barriers to receiving answered prayers.
Pastor Kevin Crowell • Zion Baptist Church • Sermon • • 17 views • 34:58
Learn how to get over the walls in your life like Joseph got over the hard struggles in his life.
The Book of Ephesians
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 6 views
The Cross of Jesus Christ...
1. Can put real hope in our hearts (vs. 12-13).
2. Can break down barriers between us (vs. 11-15).
3. Can save us from God's holy hostility (vs. 15-17).
4. Can give us instant access to Almighty God (vs. 18).
5. Can make Heaven our home (vs. 19).
The Book of Ephesians
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 17 views
The Cross of Jesus Christ...
1. Can put real hope in our hearts (vs. 12-13).
2. Can break down barriers between us (vs. 11-15).
3. Can take away God's holy hostility toward us (vs. 15-17).
4. Can give us instant access to Almighty God (vs. 18).
5. Can make Heaven our home (vs. 19).
Jim L. Wilson • Sermon • • 104 views
Acts 28:31 . . . preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered. The Gospel is Unhindered by: Discouragement At Jesus' ascension, his disciples were given a promise of power at the coming of the Holy Spirit. They were not left as powerless orphans,…
Chad Laughrey • Sermon • • 133 views
Praise God that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Praise God that he did not wait for us to seek after him. Praise God that he did not wait for us to find the strength to save ourselves. Praise God that Jesus came seeking. Praise God that Jesus came saving. Praise God that the lost can be found.…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 212 views
Tabernacle Finale. Intro: This past year we have been looking together at the tabernacle – it’s taken rather longer than I anticipated – I want to finish up this series today. Remember back to where we started? [P] An Israelite seeking God, wending His way through the camp to where יְהוָה was. He came…
Bruce Goettsche • Sermon • • 12,615 views
Colossians 1:9-15 Rev. Bruce Goettsche . . . March 15, 1998 Jay Kesler, the former President of Youth for Christ and the current President of Taylor University, was on one of his frequent flights. When lunch was served the young man next to him declined a lunch tray. During the whole lunchtime this man…
Sermon • • 32 views
John 4:7-15 Introduction 1. Barriers of Hostility a. Some are physical: moats, walls, fences b. Some are emotional or intellectual: distance or distain c. All are ethical, we feel justified in building them Context: John 3-7 is concerned with the proclamation that Jesus is Lord. In his Kingdom, he is…