(6 results)
Lee Corpier • Salem UMC - Springtown, PA • Sermon • • 52 views • 57:52
Hearing about Jesus’ Resurrection The disciples experienced Jesus’ death as a tragedy that made the possibility of his being the Messiah impossible. All they had seen, all they had done together, all they had hoped for, and all that was promised to them was gone. They had seen or heard the news of Jesus…
Passages to Ponder series
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 27 views • 59:49
Passages to ponder Scripture should be read, studied and there are lots of scripture that we should put to memory. Have written on our hearts and that is what this series has been about thus far, and will be until we finish it. If we summarize where we have been it helps set us up for where we are going…
The Son: Meeting Jesus through Luke
Chad Wilham • Sermon • • 19 views
Introduction Funerals are never events that people look forward to or enjoy attending attending. They are always events of profound sadness. Even when the funeral is for a believer, that sadness and deep since of longing for their presence is profound and heavy. As a pastor and preacher I have presided…
Kevin Elworth • Sermon • • 8 views
Mark 1:16-45 - Change = things left behind- Moving Pursuit of Christ / things falling away / the discipleship process takes place / Growth- Pains/Discomfort Pain always present. avoid pain . Pain of failure/forgetfulness/neglect/abandonment/indifference/realized fear. Mark wants you to know that through…
Christ is Enough
Mark Hoover • Sermon • • 177 views
Christ is the Qualifier We often treat the good news of Jesus like leftovers. We take what we learn in church, put it in Tupperware, and place it on a shelf. We access it when we’re spiritually hungry, but ignore it otherwise. If we only eat when we have a spiritual need, we miss the colossal implications…
Words Of Grace: What God Has Done For Us
John Foster Jr • Do not be conformed, Be Transformed - R12 • Sermon • • 8 views