(10 results)
In the Beginning
Andre Harris • Hope Hill Community Church • Sermon • • 68 views • 45:06
Good morning Hope Hill! It is so wonderful being with you this morning. First things first I want to start with a bit of personal news that I promise relates to the subject we will be discussing today. Now, as much as I would love to be a full time Pastor, the Lord hasn’t willed it to be at this time…
In the Beginning
Andre Harris • Hope Hill Community Church • Sermon • • 90 views • 42:00
Good morning Hope Hill! It is so wonderful being with you this morning. First things first I want to start with a bit of personal news that I promise relates to the subject we will be discussing today. Now, as much as I would love to be a full time Pastor, the Lord hasn’t willed it to be at this time…
Cornelius E. Ward, M.A., Ministries • Sermon • • 22 views • 40:12
Genesis not only speaks of the beginning, it is the beginning, origin, or source of every major doctrine in Scripture. Every teaching can be foundationally understood through what is known as the "Law of First Mention". Due to this fascinating discovery, it is of absolute necessity that we establish a unique bond with the Genesis scroll. In case you weren't aware of it, there's even a greater mystery and blessing in the first verse and the first word of Genesis. Join me as we discover the rhema of the text.
Homilies for the Easter Season
Gerry Fraser • Sermon • • 2 views
A look at the radical changes described in the readings compared to what is happening now.
Shannon Watterson • Sermon • • 4 views
God is interested in the small things. He is the one who can take small things and make them great things for His glory.
Rev. Dr. Jerry Caston • Sermon • • 14 views
Where It All Began Genesis means ‘origin’. It is the glorious account of how things began.[1] God renovate the Earth and he scans over it. ( ṯōhû wāḇōhû Light was the command spoken on Earth. Sky was the second day creation and God called it Heaven. raqiyaʿ /raw· kee ·ah Dry Land or Earth is the 3rd…
Shannon Watterson • Sermon • • 1 view
God is interested in the small things. He is the one who can take small things and make them great things for His glory.
Jesus en la Galeria de Juan
Luis Gabriel Flores Leos • Sermon • • 0 views
Lo mejor de dos mundos Juan le esta hablando a dos comunidades distintas una Judeo-Cristiana y la otra Greco-Cristiana y esta unificando sus mundos a traves de su carta, empecemos por ver el mundo judio Volviendo al principio John 1:1 En el principio era el Verbo, y el Verbo era con Dios, y el Dios era…
신영찬 • Sermon • • 6 views
천지창조 창세기 1 장 1 절 태초에 하나님이 천지를 창조하시니라 불 켜져있는 상태 여러분 , 오늘은 천지창조에 대한 이야기를 할 거예요 ( 천지창조가 뭔가 알아요 ? ) ( 천지창조에 대해 아는 거 말해보세요 ) 우리가 함께 하나님께서 지으신 세상으로 들어가 볼까요 ? 불 끄고 처음 세상에는 아무것도 없었어요 그런데 하나님께서 빛이 있으라 말씀하시니까 빛이 생겨났어요 하나님께서 뭐라고 말씀하셨다고요 ? “ 빛이 있으라 ” 1 페이지 하나님께서 “ 빛이 있으라 ” 말씀하시니 빛이 생겨났어요 그리고 이 날은 첫째 날이 되었어요 하나님은…
신영찬 • Sermon • • 43 views
인터스텔라 하나님 시편 139편 1-18절 1. 여호와여 주께서 나를 살펴 보셨으므로 나를 아시나이다 2. 주께서 내가 앉고 일어섬을 아시고 멀리서도 나의 생각을 밝히 아시오며 3. 나의 모든 길과 내가 눕는 것을 살펴 보셨으므로 나의 모든 행위를 익히 아시오니 4. 여호와여 내 혀의 말을 알지 못하시는 것이 하나도 없으시니이다 5. 주께서 나의 앞뒤를 둘러싸시고 내게 안수하셨나이다 6. 이 지식이 내게 너무 기이하니 높아서 내가 능히 미치지 못하나이다 7. 내가 주의 영을 떠나 어디로 가며 주의 앞에서 어디로 피하리이까 8. 내가…