(7 results)

Kendal Rasnake • Church of Christ Green Bay • Sermon • • 59 views • 28:33
Examining different components of history and biography may help us in our Biblical interpretation. In this lesson we examine, author, audience, subject, character, time, and place.
Greg Bondurant • Sermon • • 84 views
Biography – Job - Trusting God Despite Suffering! Mr. Job - describe your life for us? A biography is a written account of another person's life.[i] If you were to turn on A & E this weekend you would find biographies on Sarah Jessica Parker, Jeffrey Dahmer and Kylie Minogue who is an Australian global…
Sermon • • 158 views
THE END OF AN ERA- I CHRONICLES 28, 29 David reigned 40 years. I Chron. 28,29 is the last we have from him as he remembers victories and failures, plans for death, and arranges for Solomon to take charge. Think ahead to the end of your life. Ask: 1) Who are you modelling your life after? 2) Would you…
Jason Leight • Sermon • • 52 views
Life and Ministry of George Whitefield by J.C. Ryle Who were the men that revived religion in England a hundred years ago? What were their names, that we may do them honour? Where were they born? How were they educated? What are the leading facts in their lives? What was their special department of labour?…
Christopher W. Myers • Sermon • • 381 views
Liberty University Book Review on A Life of John Calvin: A Study in the Shaping of Western Culture, By Alister E. McGrath A paper submitted to Dr. Goza In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the course CHHI 525 Liberty Theological seminary By Christopher W. Myers Lynchburg, Virginia Sunday, 30…
Matthew Kratz • Sermon • • 3,695 views
\\ Hannah: A Woman of Faith. 1 Samuel 1:1-2:21 Everton Community Church. Mother’s Day. Sunday May 13, 2007. 10:30 am Debbie Trickett from Atlanta, Georgia, knows the heart-wrenching challenge of infertility. But Debbie also knows the heart-changing power of savoring God’s presence and goodness. (Taken…