(2 results)
Following Moses, Finding Jesus
Jeremy Norton • Mountainview Church Whitehorse • Sermon • • 73 views • 23:03
Moses began his life like everyone, with a birth mother, but born into family and a race that was under the bondage of slavery. Through a strange turn of events (and God's sovereignty), he would be adopted into the family of the man who kept his people as slaves. Today, we'll meet Moses' birth mother and adopted mother, and unpack the qualities that God used to protect Moses and point us to the Cross.
Following Moses, Finding Jesus
Jeremy Norton • Mountainview Church Whitehorse • Sermon • • 1,003 views • 27:33
Moses began his life like everyone, with a birth mother, but born into family and a race that was under the bondage of slavery. Through a strange turn of events (and God's sovereignty), he would be adopted into the family of the man who kept his people as slaves. Today, we'll meet Moses' birth mother and adopted mother, and unpack the qualities that God used to protect Moses and point us to the Cross.