(8 results)
Encounters - Transformational Conversations with Jesus
Phil Anderson • Bethel Church of Tallmadge • Sermon • • 19 views • 42:40
Pastor Wilbert Harrison • FBCHM • Sermon • • 31 views • 37:01
Are you blind? Of course not, you are reading this synopsis. But maybe there are some things you cannot see. Hidden by perception, personality or paradigm. This is a sermon of self-examination. Consider that you truly are blind to the people and circumstances that God places before you. There is a cure for blindness...
Living Water
Christ Chapel • Sermon • • 3 views
First Impressions are very important for anyone. However, if you meet someone that is a little different, in actions or looks, you may begin to wonder why. Someone who acts a little different than what we would call normal Do they have a form of Autism? Do they have another mental disorder? Someone with…
Words & Works of Jesus
Steve Bowyer • Sermon • • 1 view
Why Do We Stop? Have you ever had one of your children or g-children ask you, “Daddy, why do adults stop growing?” Well, we do and we don’t. Maybe you’ve noticed. New Years is a time for reflection. We pull out old photo albums, laugh about memories that come up on facebook, and look at our reflection…
The Gospel According to Mark
Phil Pagliari • Sermon • • 4 views
Jesus gives site to a blind man in two phases. Peter sees who Jesus is. Peter loses sight of who he sees.
The Gospel of Mark
Jonathan Robinson • Sermon • • 3 views
Jesus shows these disciples what true sight is. True sight is seeing Jesus for who he is and worshiping him as such.
Benjamin Ling/Crossroads Christian Church • Crossroads Christian Church • Sermon • • 27 views
We cannot see our future, or a way out of pain, or Jesus, but He can see us.