(5 results)
The Prayer of Jabez
Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 11,636 views • 46:29
The Webster’s Dictionary says prayer is an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought. Have you ever listened to little kids pray? Here are a few examples of what they sound like. Dear God: Please send a new baby for Mommy. The new baby you sent last week cries too much. Debbie, age 7…
In Christ
Landon Rowell • Sermon • • 5 views
Introduction Greetings… Over the last few weeks we have been studying through the theme “In Christ” wherein we have been examining those passages that specifically use the phrase “in Christ.” The goal of these lessons is to demonstrate and hopefully encourage each of us to not only remember why we are…
God's Story in Scripture
Joel Gilbert • Sermon • • 13 views • 50:21
Now that the nation has returned from exile, the Chronicler (assumed author of Chronicles) writes the history as a means of reminding the people of Judah where they came from, why the exile and sort of what now. He leaves the door open to the hope of a coming Messiah.
Richard Wardman • Sermon • • 15 views
God is not done yet! That’s my working summary of the Book of Chronicles. The book of 1-2 Chronicles is composed of three large sections: 1 Chronicles 1–9 Genealogies of the tribes of Israel 1 Chronicles 10–2 Chronicles 9 Reigns of David and Solomon 2 Chronicles 10–36 Kingdom of Judah Originally written…