(18 results)

From the Garden to Glory
Pastor Dave Collett • Sermon • • 64 views • 29:38
Discipling Turns to Drama Beginning in John 13 , we know that Jesus knew he was leaving his earthly ministry, and would no longer have opportunity to pour his teaching into his disciples. John 13:1 “1a Before the Passover Festival, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world to the Father…

I Will Build My Church: Luke & Acts Series
Pastor Jed Johnston • A Place Of Grace • Sermon • • 154 views • 39:30
Having arrested Him, they led Him away and brought Him to the house of the high priest; but Peter was following at a distance. On the Anvil 3: Now, Don’t Get Carried Away! Max Lucado Peter was sharp. He kept his distance from Jesus. “I’ll stay close enough to see him,” Peter reasoned. “But not too close,…

Jesus' last day
Gabe Hatch • Sermon • • 2,059 views • 46:10
By a kiss our Lord was betrayed by one who was close to Him

How I Met Jesus
Jeremy Norton • Mountainview Church Whitehorse • Sermon • • 415 views • 37:58
Jesus has been arrested. Before he enters a public scorn before Caiaphas, Jesus has a meeting with his father-in-law, Annas. What will Jesus say to a man who's mind is already made up? What can this encounter teach us about sharing the Gospel when we're receiving hostility and persecution?

The gospel of mark
Pastor Joshua Booth • Calvary Baptist Church Spalding • Sermon • • 25 views • 38:55
Heaven’s Righteous King at Earth’s Unrighteous Judgement-seat

The Gospel of John
Chaplain John Remington • Safe Harbor Church • Sermon • • 26 views • 52:17
Rise UP Part 5 Pharisees plot to kill Jesus after Lazarus resurrection

Rev Malcolm Maclean • Greyfriars Free Church • Sermon • • 8 views • 43:00
From the Garden to Glory
Pastor Dave Collett • Sermon • • 12 views
Discipling Turns to Drama Beginning in John 13 , we know that Jesus knew he was leaving his earthly ministry, and would no longer have opportunity to pour his teaching into his disciples. John 13:1 “1a Before the Passover Festival, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world to the Father…
Exploring John's Gospel
Aaron Sturgill • Sermon • • 23 views
Who is responsible for Jesus’ death? John Stott asks a similar question in his book The Cross of Christ, the second chapter titled “Why Did Christ Die?”[1] In this message I follow Stott’s general outline. Who is responsible for Jesus’ death? Well, the answer will likely depend on who answers. For instance,…
Dr. Mark A. Barber • Sermon • • 16 views
Caiaphas makes a prophecy that Jesus would die for the nation.
John Chapter 18
Scott Wilson • Sermon • • 21 views
John Chapter 18 Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane GEOGRAPHICAL PROFILE; KIDRON VALLEY A brook running north and south on the east side of ancient Jerusalem Separated the temple area from the Mount of Olives The site of the Garden of Gethsemane is thought to be just west of the Kidron Valley on the way…
Good Friday
James Shank • Sermon • • 15 views
Good Friday Devotional: In , after having arrested Jesus, He is first questioned by Annas, who has no success interrogating Jesus, and then sends Him to Caiaphas, the current High Priest. Do not over think why it mentions Annas and Caiaphas as both being High Priests, just know that Annas had been High…
Robert C. Beckman Jr. • Sermon • • 11 views
Start Entice: We have had a year of doing new and different things. We have had to reconcile ourselves to the fact that we are not nearly as smart, not nearly as invulnerable, not nearly as exceptional as we have thought. All humans bear the image of God and are answerable to Him. As disconcerting as…

Clifton Jones • Prairie Grove Baptist Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 45:20
1.) Click on "The God of Glory-Part I" above to go to the page with the Study Notes.
2.) Then scroll down past the "Files" to view the Study Notes.

Acts of the Apostles
Chris Noggle • Calvary Baptist Church • Sermon • • 24 views • unknown
The Gospel of John
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 25 views
The trials of Jesus Christ show us:
1. The evil results of rejecting Jesus.
2. The excellent reasons for receiving Jesus.
3. The essential revelation we have in Jesus.
The Gospel of Matthew
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 8 views
Sometimes we are going to stumble, but God's Word shows His stumbling saints what to do.
1. Remember the ways that we can stumble.
2. Remember that the Lord sees us.
3. Remember that Jesus will steer us in the right direction.
The Gospel of Matthew
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 14 views
When ungodly men judged God...
1. There was treachery (vs. 57, 59-61).
2. The charge was blasphemy (vs. 62-65).
3. The penalty was God's plan (vs. 66).
4. The cruelty was vicious (vs. 67-68).
5. The Lord's victory was sure to come (vs. 64).