(3 results)
Micah Jones • Sermon • • 2,044 views
1. This one is THE lie. It was the first lie, and it is still Satan’s favorite lie. It’s also one that millions of Christians have swallowed hook line and sinker. It’s found in Genesis (hey, I said it was the first one) in the account of the temptation of Eve. Gen 3:4 Then the serpent said to the woman,…
Sermon • • 14 views
Philadelphia Baptist Church 8/26/2007 Sun. p.m. A Different Spirit Matthew 5:38–44 Introduction: Christians are too often satisfied to be unlike the world in the way they look, but our “unlikeness” is something far deeper than that! In fact, the teaching of Scripture is far different from the teaching…
Steve Penick • Sermon • • 3,838 views
INTRODUCTION I want to ask you to picture yourself in a court room setting with me this morning. In our court room there is a judge, attorneys, a jury (of which you are a member), and a defendant. The trial has just begun. As the judge speaks you find out that the defendant is on trial for being a Christian.…