(3 results)
An Exposition of Ephesians
Ryan Martin • Columbiaville Baptist Church • Sermon • • 11 views • 55:55
The focus of verses 11 to 16 is church maturity. Paul keeps returning to this theme. This maturity is corporate, and it is closely connected to church unity. In a similar way, the Word is at the core of the church’s maturity and unity. The point of these verses is that we must aspire toward maturity as a church. How do we do this?
An Exposition of Ephesians
Ryan Martin • Columbiaville Baptist Church • Sermon • • 12 views • 1:02:36
Ephesians 4:11-16 gives us one of the clearest sustained articulations of the church’s mission and purposes in the whole New Testament. The passage articulates it a couple different ways, in v 13 and then again in v 16. The point of these verses is simple: We must aspire toward maturity as a church. How can we as a church grow in maturity? Paul gives several ways.
An Exposition of Ephesians
Ryan Martin • Columbiaville Baptist Church • Sermon • • 7 views • 58:35
Today, we complete this crucial paragraph. Paul reiterates the themes of vv 11-14, yet clarifies and develops them further. We must aspire toward maturity as a church. Paul still has his attention on church maturity. Twice in these two verses Paul speaks of the church growing. Several themes about our maturity are developed in these verses.