(7 results)
Union Gospel Press
Aaron M Owens • Sermon • • 4 views
Luke 2:25-38 Luke 2:25–38 (KJV 1900) TODAY’S AIM Facts: to show there were faithful Jews looking for Messiah. Principle: to demonstrate that those faithful to God glorify Him. Application: to encourage faithful living while waiting for Christ’s return. 25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose…
SS Revisting
Dr. Richard Wallace • Sermon • • 18 views
God of All Comfort One of the most amazing things that we readliy notice as we glance at this passage is the many times Paul uses the term comfort. I was listening to the radio the other day and heard a song about all the bad things that can happen in life—called Somebody Ought to Testify: “There's been…
Rev. James Harris • Sermon • • 13 views
That the hearer find comfort through Christ Jesus who goes and prepares a place for us, so that we might be with Him for all eternity.
Christmas 2019: Hope is Born
Bill Connors • Sermon • • 120 views
Bookmarks & Needs: B: Housekeeping Stuff & Announcements: Merry Christmas! Welcome guests to the family gathering, introduce yourself. Thank the band, the choir, and the soloists. Invite guests to parlor after service. We are in the process of collecting our annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for…
Characters of Christmas, Message 2, The Waiters
Pastor Jason Spade • Sermon • • 5 views
There are different ways of waiting. We wait with expectation and excitement. We wait with doubt. We wait with dread. What are you waiting for?
Christ Has Come! (Advent)
Anthony Stephens • Sermon • • 27 views
Introduction Sermon Title: Comfort Has Come! Sermon Series: Christ Has Come! (Advent) Sermon Text: Introduction Christmas is often associated with waiting. I can remember when I was younger waiting for Christmas because it was the year that I was certain that I would be getting the Nintendo Entertainment…
Beholding God to Behave Godly for God's Glory
Jeremy Menicucci • Sermon • • 13 views
This section of the series is intended to help us behave Godly for God's glory by watching how God proves His own deity and proves not only the lack of deity of idols but the lack of worth of the idols. God shows himself supremely valuable and worthy of glory as He proves He is the only one true living God and proves that He is the greatest good for all of us. The stricking problem happens in application where we are confronted with our own idols in comparison to God. Who is winning our affections and our attentions, God or our idols?