(14 results)

Lent 2019
Lee Corpier • Salem UMC - Springtown, PA • Sermon • • 89 views • 27:08
The Perfume of Intimacy Synesthesia Synesthesia is a neurological condition that causes the brain to process data in the form of several senses at once. The most common form of synesthesia is called grapheme : connecting numbers to colors . Smell is actually closely linked to memory . Try this: Close…
Glen Gerhauser • Sermon • • 6 views
Theme: The Father is leading us from mere knowledge about things to knowledge of him.
The Gospel Truth/Eight Days that Changed the World
Bill Cole • Sermon • • 11 views
Events surrounding the burial and resurrection of Jesus and the conspiracy to try and hide the facts. How does this impact us today?
The Christmas Conspiracy
Rob Laukoter • Sermon • • 8 views
Prayer Christmas Conspiracy So glad to have you all with us tonight - beautiful evening, and wonderful time to gather to celebrate Christmas together For those of you who haven’t been with us this past month during season of Advent, we’ve been doing a series called The Christmas Conspiracy The thing…
Yang Seung-il • Sermon • • 2 views
에스더 5장 1-14절 , 지혜와 음모 337장 / 342장 기도제목 예배와 다음 세대를 위해서 함께 기도합니다. 목장과 우리 각 가정을 위해서 기도합니다. 담임목사님과 교역자들을 위해서 기도합니다. 에스더 5장의 내용을 살피면 4장에 이어서 여전히 팽팽한 긴장감이 느껴집니다. 에스더 왕후는 여전히 조심스럽고, 하만과 그의 집안은 여전히 악의와 음모가 가득한 모습을 보게 됩니다. 우리가 축구 경기를 보더라도, 경기 전에는 아주 팽팽한 긴장감이 돕니다. 그러나 경기가 시작되면 어느정도 승패가 보이기 시작합니다. 경기 전에는 상대방이 준비한…
Kyler Vogt • Sermon • • 4 views
Discuss “Selling the News” lyrics by Switchfoot (twice as long as usual) What is a conspiracy? Qanon and 9/11 Good and bad Boenhoffer Election “rigged” Sometimes conspiracies are a single story: Ehud Sometimes they are more complex: Disc golfing with Robin: “does my soul need saved?” Example: Christianity…
The Christmas Conspiracy
Rob Laukoter • Sermon • • 5 views
Prayer Lens of a Conspiracy If you believe a conspiracy to be true - I mean, really believe. You’re a true believer, then it will absolutely color the way you see world and everyone else around. For instance, if you’d bought wholesale to McCarthyism, Red Scare, that there were Communists who had infiltrated…
James Reff • Sermon • • 1 view
This has all of the makings of a real crime murder mystery show. A false testimony, attempted murder, a conspiracy of 40 men to ambush and murder the prisoner, accusation of government overthrow. This would definitely make the top 10 list. We should quickly discuss the events of chapter 23 leading up…
The Christmas Conspiracy
Rob Laukoter • Sermon • • 73 views
Prayer Those Christian Kooks There’s a great scene in the movie, The Dead Poets’ Society, where the teacher, Mr. Keating, has his students in the courtyard of their all-male boarding school. He has three of the boys start walking around the courtyard. No other instructions, just walk around. It’s not…
Book of Acts
Matt Wood • Sermon • • 14 views
The Jews hatred for Paul rises to a fever pitch with more than forty men taking an oath to kill him. Paul's nephew exposes the plot and ultimately Paul is providentially delivered from the threat and to Felix the govnernor.
Graham Gunden • Sermon • • 12 views
Introduction Daniel 6 Pg 743 The more you value something, the more you are willing to sacrifice in order to keep or obtain that valuable thing If you value health, you will sacrifice the pleasure of food and the comfort of the couch in order to get in shape If you value safety, you will sacrifice a…
Adam White • Sermon • • 1 view
Good morning. Over the past three weeks we have been looking at the story of Nehemiah. This morning we are going to be continuing with that and looking at how unresolved anger and contempt in our own lives can lead to conspiracy. And the importance of prayer and vigilance in challenging those who conspire…
Dustin Mace • Sermon • • 1 view
This sermon today is a special sermon because it is a special Sunday, the Sunday we recognize and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are a visitor here today, whether a first-time visitor or you’ve been visiting a while, I want to say two things to you. The first is, welcome.…